Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible
Psalms 65:5-8
2). Having Approached God In A Personal Way David Now Gives A Description Of His Mighty Power Exercised Over All Creation, And Over All Peoples. He Emphasises The Fact That God's People Are Safe Under God's Protection Whether The Threat Comes From Land Or Sea (Psalms 65:5).
The Psalmist now moves on to consider God as ‘terrible' (awesome and powerful), in relation to the whole of creation, and in relation to the people indwelling that creation. His people can be sure that He will answer them with ‘terrible things, because as the creator Who established the mountains, and as the Lord Who controls the raging seas, nothing is outside His purview. They reveal His awesomeness as active in the maintenance and control of His creation, and also in relation to the maintenance and control of all mankind. Some have seen in these words an indication that the people had gathered to celebrate a great victory and deliverance, but it is not required by the words. The picture is rather of God as in control of all things, and as Lord over all men, and especially as the One Who acts on behalf of His people. It is the voice of certainty in a tumultuous world. God's people may only be a small people, but their God is a great God. Therefore, as long as they are obedient to His covenant (Psalms 65:4), they need fear nothing.
Some see an explicit reference to the fact that God watches over men no matter where they are, both on land and at sea, the idea being that He is the One in Whom all mankind places its confidence whether on land or sea. Others translate as ‘you are the confidence of all the ends of the earth and of the sea far off', stressing that it is the whole of creation that has confidence in God.
Israel especially feared the sea. As they stood on the land and watched the fearsomeness of the sea it appeared to them that the sea was constantly seeking to engulf the land. It was only God Who held it back. To them the sea was a foreign element mainly outside their purview, and their history told how it had once burst its bounds and had engulfed the land (Genesis 6-9). And they feared that it might once more engulf the land (which is why God had covenanted that it would not in Genesis 9:21). But they recognised that God controlled it and held it in check, something which to them especially revealed His greatness. The land threatened to engulf them because of their adversaries who lived on the land, but the sea threatened to engulf them because of what it was in itself, a threat to be feared. However, says David, they need fear neither, for God is Lord of both land and sea.
‘By terrible things you will answer us in righteousness,
Oh God of our salvation,
You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth,
And of those who are afar off on the sea (or ‘and of the sea far off').'
Coming to ‘the One Who hears prayer' (Psalms 65:2) they could be confident that their prayers would be heard and that by His mighty hand He would respond to their cry of need in righteous deliverance when their enemies assailed them. He could do this because the whole of creation depended on Him. He could thus act in a ‘terrible way', that is, in a way that was awesome to His people, and fearful to their enemies. He would do ‘terrible things', things which would make men wonder. And this because He was their delivering God. There are echoes here of the plagues in Egypt when God did terrible things to the Egyptians when they refused to let Israel go. Note how in the following Psalm (Psalms 66) God's terrible doings are specifically related to the Exodus (Psalms 66:5).
However, it should be noted that the assumption is that He would do so in righteousness. ‘Righteousness' and ‘deliverance (salvation)' are often used as parallel words (e.g. Psalms 98:2; Isaiah 45:8; Isaiah 46:13; Isaiah 51:5; etc), and intrinsic in this is the fact that God's deliverance is always in accordance with His righteousness. God does not act arbitrarily, favouring His people at all costs in spite of what they are. He acts in righteous deliverance because they are a people who have responded to Him and who seek to live righteously in that they seek to observe His covenant (Psalms 65:4). Once they forgot that they could no longer depend on Him to hear them as their future history would show. He was no longer the God of their salvation, their saving God, until, of course, He brought them again to repentance.
‘You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of the sea far off (or ‘of those who are afar off on the sea').' The question here is as to whether, in speaking of ‘the ends of the earth' (compare Psalms 2:8) and ‘the far off sea', the Psalmist has in mind the whole of nature (land and sea) or the whole of humankind. Thus he may be saying, ‘all nature is confident in you, and relies on you, both distant lands and far off seas'. Alternately he may be speaking of the confidence that far off peoples on both land and sea can have in God. The idea may then be that unconsciously they rely on Him for the stability of their world. In other words, although with their false gods and idols they know it not, their instinctive confidence is in Him. Compare the words of Paul, ‘the invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, even His eternal power and Godhead' (Romans 1:20).
In a similar way today men who reject the laws of God can lay great emphasis on, and have confidence in, ‘the laws of nature'. But strictly speaking there are no laws of nature. There is only a reliance on the ‘hope' that things will continue on as they always have, following the pattern that is discernible. But there is no solid reason, apart from theory, why they should. Christians on the other hand know that that pattern arises from the fact that God holds all things together in an orderly way. And the Psalmist may be saying that this is something that the idolater and the atheist rely on, even though they are not aware of the fact. For apart from God there is no real reason why from tomorrow onwards reality might not permanently change with all the ‘laws' that we speak of turning out to be temporary. The atheist assumes it will not be so because he relies on what has happened in the past. But rationally he can have no certainty. The Christian knows that it will not be so because he knows that Jesus Christ ‘holds all things together' (Colossians 1:17). His confidence is in God.
But the Psalmist may have had a further thought in mind, and that is that one day, through Israel's witness, and through God's activity on their behalf, the whole world would patently know and acknowledge God, something already latently true. For it was David's God-given confidence that one day the whole world would bow the knee to YHWH through His chosen king (Psalms 2:8; Psalms 72:8; Psalms 89:27; compare Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 45:23).
‘Who by his strength sets fast the mountains,
Being girded about with might,
Who stills the roaring of the seas,
The roaring of their waves,
And the tumult of the peoples.'
David now explains why God can do awesome things. Confidence in God arises from the fact that it is He Who by the exertion of His strength ‘sets fast the mountains', the most permanent thing that men knew. And for this purpose He ‘girds Himself with might'. He, as it were, rolls up His sleeves and exerts His mighty power (compare Psalms 93:1; for the idea of being ‘girded with strength' compare Psalms 18:32; Psa 18:39; 1 Samuel 2:4; 2 Samuel 22:40). It was by His mighty power that they were established. (‘He spoke and it was done'). To the ancients nothing was more permanent and immovable than the high mountains. And the point here is that they were made so by the power of God. They thus reveal His greatness, His mighty strength, His permanence and His total reliability. Indeed the way in which He reveals the greatness of His anger is by moving and shaking the foundations of the mountains (Psalms 18:7), thus putting men in fear of the disintegration of their world because He has removed His constraining hand. And, indeed, the earth's permanence is not for ever (‘heaven and earth will pass away) for the end of all things will result in those seemingly permanent mountains fleeing away (Revelation 16:20). God will remove His control. After that there will be no more earthly permanence.
And as well as establishing the mountains He controls the violent sea. He stills the roaring of the waves. Nothing is outside His control. To Israel the sea was a feared enemy. They had little to do with it, and saw the way in which it sought to encroach on the land, as once before it had done fatally at the Flood, and they were afraid. The fact that these words follow reference to land and sea in Psalms 65:5 b confirms that we are to see the reference to the sea as having to be taken literally, and not just as a picture of the tumult among the nations, even though the thought of its tumult leads on to a reference to the tumult of the nations. Thus God has made permanent the land and controls the sea. Creation is safe in His hands.
‘And the tumult of the peoples.' Furthermore He even controls something more violent than the waves, He controls ‘the tumult of the peoples'. It will be noted that this clause is added on as a fifth line. It is an added comment, although this does not diminish its importance. The God Who established the permanence of the mountain, and controls the raging tumult of the seas, is also the One Who can deal with tumults among the peoples. The nations might rage (Psalms 46:6), but like the sea they are under His iron control, even though they might not appear to be so. (For the tumult of the seas being compared to the tumults of the peoples, both being under God's control, compare Isaiah 17:12).
‘They also who dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at your tokens,
You make the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice.'
The terrible things that He will do on behalf of His people (Psalms 65:5) will establish His control of the nations. They will thus be afraid at what He has revealed Himself to be and as a consequence their tumult will be stilled (Psalms 65:7 b) because they are moved by fear as a result of the signs (tokens) that He has performed. The primary reference may be to David's mighty victories, and the consequent security of his kingdom, but we are almost certainly additionally to see here a reference to God's redeeming power as it was revealed in the deliverance from Egypt, for this brought fear on the nations whom Israel would have to face in Canaan (Exodus 15:11). There the deliverance from Egypt by God's mighty acts was seen as filling the nations with dread of Israel. And His terrible acts will do the same here.
‘You make the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice.' In contrast, when God goes forth to perform His terrible acts His people rejoice, for He is acting on their behalf. Assuming it to close this part of the Psalm (a case could be argued for attaching this clause to the verses that follow), it indicates that as life goes on His people are not afraid but can rather rejoice at what life brings them at His hand. The ‘outgoings of the morning and the evening' may refer to the passage of time, as the sun ‘goes out' in the morning, and the moon in the evening, in which case the rejoicing is done by those who are blessed by what God does during those outgoings, in other words the rejoicing is by God's people whom He makes to rejoice as He acts on their behalf. The rejoicings of dawns and dusks are the rejoicings of God's people. Whilst the far off peoples are afraid at what God can do, for His people who trust in Him it is a matter of rejoicing. For they know He is on their side. So the stilling of the tumults of the peoples on behalf of Israel results in continual rejoicing for His people, because the consequence for them will be that their future is rosy.
Alternately the outgoings of the morning and the evening may refer more strictly to what results from them. It makes little difference. The consequence is the same. What results from the passage of time will produce nothing but rejoicing, because God is with them in all that they do. He holds the nations in check (as He had the seas), leaving Israel safe and secure. David sees Israel as secure in God's hands because He acts on their behalf against their possible adversaries. This all, of course, is on the assumption that they walk truly in His covenant.
For us it is a reminder that with God on our side we need fear nothing. The God of creation will exert His mighty power and make plain His power to our adversaries, and control their ragings (compare Psalms 2:1), so that in both the coming of morning and of evening we can rejoice, secure in His hand. Nothing can touch us without His permission.