‘But YHWH sits enthroned for ever:

He has established his throne for judgment;

And he will judge the world in righteousness,

He will minister judgment to the peoples in uprightness.'

In contrast to the brevity of the nations is the eternity of YHWH. And in contrast to the unrighteousness of the nations, is the righteousness of YHWH. He sits enthroned for ever (compare Psalms 29:10), and His throne is established for judgment. And that judgment will be in righteousness and will be on all peoples and will always be upright. Thus we are assured that YHWH judges the whole world in righteousness without fear and without favour. Every knee will have to bow to Him, every tongue will have to confess to God (Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2:10). Notice that the ‘He' in ‘He will judge' is emphatic. None other is fit to judge apart from ‘He', and the teaching of Jesus made clear that this ‘He' is none other than Jesus Himself Who has been appointed to be the Judge of all (John 5:22; John 5:27).

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