‘Because with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.'

This believing from the heart (that is, from the whole inner man) that God has raised Him from the dead (as the One Who had claimed to be the Messiah and had been crucified) will result in reception of the righteousness which comes from faith. See especially Romans 4:25 where Christians are revealed as ‘accounted as righteous' (justified) through His having been raised, in consequence of His being first delivered up for our offences. Consider also Romans 5:10; Romans 6:1; Romans 8:10. The true and genuine confession of Jesus as LORD will result in salvation, because it will be by those who have committed themselves to Him as their Saviour and Lord on the basis of His death and resurrection. Note how we have here a continuation of the thought in Romans 1:16. The Gospel is the power of God unto ‘salvation' because in it the ‘righteousness' of God is revealed. This paralleling of righteousness with salvation is common in the Old Testament, both in the Psalms and in Isaiah.

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