‘For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.'

And all this because we have now come under a new regime. We have been transferred out from under the tyranny of darkness so that we may come under the Kingship of His beloved Son (Colossians 1:13). Sin therefore no longer has dominion over us. Its power has been defeated, and its main weapon, the accusatory Law, has had its fangs drawn. For whilst the Law could make its demands, it could not draw alongside to help us. It was thus rendered powerless by sin, and could only leave sin in control. But now Christians are ‘under grace.' What that means has been described in Romans 5:15. It means that we are under a new regime. It means that God has stepped alongside to help. It means that we are reckoned as righteous through Christ's righteousness (Romans 5:15; Romans 5:17). It means that we have experienced resurrection life through the Spirit (Romans 5:5; Romans 6:4; Romans 6:11). It is the unmerited, freely given love of God acting on our behalf which is abounding towards us (Romans 5:20) and is acting to deliver us (Romans 7:24). This unmerited, freely given, gracious activity of God thus frees us from sin's dominion, and reigns in us to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 5:21).

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