‘For the creation was subjected to frustration (emptiness, vanity), not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope, that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.'

And the reason why it waits with bated breath is because it had been subjected to frustration and emptiness (‘vanity'). The thought here is of Genesis 3. Creation had been ‘very good' even in God's eyes (Genesis 1:31). It had flourished and prospered. But it had been transformed as a consequence of man's sin into something that suffered corruption, death and decay, into something that was greatly marred. What had flowered in such glory had been subjected to frustration, futility and emptiness as it sought to propagate. Instead of positive fruitfulness, left to itself it produced weeds. And the animal world likewise was subject to struggle, death and decay, in total contrast to Isaiah's vision of the new earth (Isaiah 11:6). It too had entered into the struggle for existence. And that not by its own choice (thus excluding man who did make his choice). It had rather been at the will of the Creator, Who had so subjected it (‘cursed be the ground') because it belonged to rebellious man who had been given rule over it. This had not, however, left it without hope, for just as it was involved in man's sin and failure, so would it be involved in his final redemption. Whilst therefore it is now in the bondage of corruption (a prisoner of corruption), it will one day be set free to enjoy the freedom of the glory of the children of God, part of which is incorruption (Romans 2:7).

The idea behind this is, of course, the ideal of the new heavens and the new earth in which dwells righteousness (2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1; compare Isaiah 65:17). In that new earth, a spiritual earth, will be literally fulfilled all the promises to Abraham and his heirs, of the land that was to be theirs (see Hebrews 11:10), for this earth is a ‘prototype' of what is to come. Just as man's resurrection body will somehow be connected with our present bodies, so will the new earth somehow be connected with the old earth. But in contrast with the present earth, the new earth will be spiritual, everlasting and incorruptible.

The Groaning Of Creation, Of God's Children, And of God Himself In Carrying Out His Saving Purpose Through The Spirit.

Nothing is more moving than this picture of a groaning creation, a groaning church, and a groaning Spirit, as God's purposes move forwards. It confirms, and is intended to confirm that we are part of a suffering creation, which is why we also must expect to suffer, because God carries out His purpose through suffering.

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