“Where is your beloved gone, O you fairest among women, In which direction has your beloved turned himself, That we may seek him with you?”

The wife's reply has brought home to the daughters of Jerusalem how foolish they have been in despising her beloved (Song of Solomon 5:9). Now it is their heart's desire to seek him too, and they want to be directed to where he is.

‘In which direction has your lover turned himself?' Literally, ‘where has your beloved turned him?' Instinctively she knows the answer. She remembers her instruction in Song of Solomon 2:17, ‘Turn my beloved, and be like a roe-deer, and hart on the craggy mountains'. She knows that he has turned him to the craggy mountains of her homeland.

Happy the Christians whose testimony to their Lord are such that it causes the hangers on to declare their wish to seek Him in terms of their own early experiences.

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