1 Chronicles 22:2 to 1 Chronicles 29:30. The whole of this section is the work of the Chronicler, though it is probable that he utilised some earlier sources in compiling it; a good deal of OT material is woven into it, but it has no parallel in earlier books, as in the case of the Chapter s so far considered.

1 Chronicles 22:2. David's Preparation for the Building of the Temple. This is an imaginative elaboration of 2 Samuel 7:1; 2 Samuel 7:13.

1 Chronicles 22:3. couplings: the word is used only here (in reference to an iron object) and in 2 Chronicles 34:11 (in reference to a wooden object). It refers probably to hinges. A word from the same root occurs in Exodus 36:17 of the place of joining of curtains, and in Exodus 28:17 of the place of joining of the shoulder-pieces of the ephod.

1 Chronicles 22:7. Taken from 1 Kings 8:17.

1 Chronicles 22:8. because thou hast shed much blood: cf. 1 Chronicles 28:3; the Chronicler's inference from 1 Kings 5:3.

1 Chronicles 22:9. Solomon, and I will give peace: a word-play; in Hebrew Solomon = Shĕ? lô mô h, and peace = Shâ lô m; but the two words are not radically connected.

1 Chronicles 22:10. Taken from 2 Samuel 7:13 a = 1 Chronicles 17:12 a.

1 Chronicles 22:12 f. This stress laid on the observance of the Law is characteristic of the Chronicler.

1 Chronicles 22:14. in my affliction: better in my poverty; the Chronicler desires to teach that, however great the amount devoted to the building of the Temple, any contribution to such an object can at best be but a poor one; hence also the enormous exaggeration in stating the amount so bestowed.

1 Chronicles 22:16. there is no number: the reference is not to the gold and silver, etc., which were weighed (cf. without weight in 1 Chronicles 22:14), but to the number of the workmen mentioned in 1 Chronicles 22:15. The Chronicler, with characteristic exaggeration, speaks of the metal as being without weight and the workmen without number; the quantity in each case defied enumeration.

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