Samuel Anoints David (E 2) or (R). A better division would be in the middle of 1 Samuel 15:35, so as to begin the new section with And Yahweh repented. etc. Many authorities regard this section as a late, possibly post-exilic, addition; but it seems the natural sequel to the preceding chapter, and may probably be referred to the same document.

By the direction of Yahweh Samuel goes to Bethlehem, ostensibly to sacrifice, but really to anoint a son of Jesse to the kingship. He sanctified Jesse and his sons, i.e. he made them perform certain ritual acts, such as washings. At the sacrifice, seven sons of Jesse passed before Samuel, but Yahweh gave no sign, then David was sent for, and came, and he was ruddy [or perhaps, red-haired], a youth with beautiful eyes and comely, as we should probably read and translate. At the bidding of Yahweh, Samuel anointed him, and the Spirit of Yahweh leaped upon him.

1 Samuel 16:13. David: the only Biblical character bearing this name; the etymology is uncertain; the name may be a contraction of Dodavahu, Beloved of Yahweh, or Yahweh is beloved (2 Chronicles 20:37); or it may be connected with a deity: an Israelite sanctuary of DVDH, E. of Jordan, is mentioned on the Moabite Stone.

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