2 Kings 13 - Introduction

2 KINGS 13:1 TO 2 KINGS 17:6. The remainder of the history of Israel to the fall of Samaria, with the contemporary annals of Judah, is of the nature of chronicle rather than history. There are few interesting narratives like those in the earlier parts of the book. The exceptions are: (_a_) the death... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:1-9

2 KINGS 13:1 TO 2 KINGS 17:6. The remainder of the history of Israel to the fall of Samaria, with the contemporary annals of Judah, is of the nature of chronicle rather than history. There are few interesting narratives like those in the earlier parts of the book. The exceptions are: (_a_) the death... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:10-21

THE REIGN OF JOASH OR JEHOASH OF ISRAEL. During this reign Elisha died. He is represented, as in 2 Kings 6, as Israel's champion in the great war with Syria, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof (_cf._ 2 Kings 2:12). 2 Kings 13:16_ _ f. The action is a piece of sympathetic magic (_cf._ Ex... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 13:22-25

THE DEATH OF HAZAEL THE REDOUBTABLE USURPER OF THE SYRIAN THRONE. His son Ben-hadad was less successful, and was thrice defeated by Jehoash, in accordance with the prophecy of the dying Elisha.... [ Continue Reading ]

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