Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible
Acts 10 - Introduction
Acts 9:32 to Acts 11:18. A Collection of Peter Stories. Lydda and Joppa (p. 28) belonged at this time to Judæ a, and had a predominantly Jewish population, and Peter's activity is of a peaceful, quiet nature. Peter, who appears here alone, is carrying on a mission outside Jerusalem, to which, however, he always returns as he did in Acts 8:25 (see also Acts 12:3). The first two stories are of the same type as those in the Gospels; the third is in broader style, and gives rise to more questions.
Acts 10. The Conversion of Cornelius. This incident is parallel to the conversion of the Ethiopian by Philip; both show the extension of the Gospel beyond the Jews, and prepare for the story of the Pauline mission. On the opening vision cf. Acts 8:26, Acts 16:9; Galatians 2:2. See also p. 767.