EXAMPLE OF THE WORKS OF THE APOSTLES. The cure of lame persons is
frequently spoken of in the Synoptic Gospels, as a mark of the
Messianic age; but no such cure is there recorded. Paul deals with a
similar case at Lystra (Acts 14:8). The apostles generally, but not
invariably, go in pairs, as Luke 1... [ Continue Reading ]
ACTS 3:11. There is an interesting variant in D: But when Peter and
John were going out, he went with them holding them, and they stood
astonished in the porch which is called Solomon's. The scribe who
wrote this knew that Solomon's Porch was outside the Temple, the
writer of the text translated in... [ Continue Reading ]
Acts 3:12. The Facts. The idea and arrangement of the speech closely
resemble that of Acts 2:14; it exhibits the style of controversy with
the Jews. The hearers are addressed as men of Israel; appeal is made
to their history and beliefs as such. The apostles have not performed
the c... [ Continue Reading ]