Example of the Works of the Apostles. The cure of lame persons is frequently spoken of in the Synoptic Gospels, as a mark of the Messianic age; but no such cure is there recorded. Paul deals with a similar case at Lystra (Acts 14:8). The apostles generally, but not invariably, go in pairs, as Luke 10:1 prescribes. So Peter and John here (cf. Acts 8:14) go for their devotions to the Temple at 3 P.M., the hour of the evening sacrifice. In the following narrative it is Peter only who acts and speaks. At the gate called Beautiful, possibly the same as Nicanor's gate on the E. side of the Temple, and the favourite entrance, they find a man congenitally lame. He asks alms: they ask his whole attention, which he gives them. Peter cannot give him money but has a greater gift for him. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean (as if the full title had to be used for such a work; cf. Actus Petri cum Simone, xi. 13, 16)walk. The power of the Name (Genesis 32:29 *, 1 Corinthians 5:3 *) at once appears; as Jesus takes the hand of Peter's wife's mother to help her to rise (Mark 1:31), so Peter takes the lame man's right hand, and the cure is accomplished. The man leaps up and enters the Temple with the apostles, not merely walking but leaping (Isaiah 35:6) and praising God. The effect on the crowd is an example of the fear spoken of in Acts 2:43.

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