A Paragraph of Prayer. Paul reciprocates their prayers for him. He constantly offers petition on their behalf since first he heard of them. He desires for them (a) fulness of knowledge to discern the Divine will, that so they may walk worthily of Christ and please Him, and by means of the knowledge of God may bear fruit and increase (cf. Colossians 1:6) in every good activity; and (b) strength proportioned to the power of the Divine glory, that so they may endure and be patient, and that with joy, giving thanks meanwhile to the Father, who has qualified them for a share in the inheritance of His holy people in (the realm of) Light: for God has rescued both Paul and his readers from the tyranny of Darkness, and transplanted them into the Kingdom of His dear Son, who is the source of their emancipation from slavery and of the forgiveness of their sins.

Colossians 1:13. Son of his love: the Son who is the object of His love, i.e. His beloved Son. For another view see Lightfoot.

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