2°. Frogs Swarm from the Nile (Exodus 8:1 J, Exodus 8:5 P, Exodus 8:8 a J, heart, Exodus 8:15 b P). Each year the inundation brings with it myriads of frogs (Sayce), amounting in certain years to a veritable plague, but they do not infest houses or die suddenly in heaps. In Exodus 8:3 they were to come upon the persons of the people, and into their earthenware stoves (ovens) and the shallow wooden bowls they used, as do the Arabs still, for kneading-troughs. When Pharaoh prays for relief, Moses concedes him the glory or ad vantage of naming the time when the pests should be removed, that the Divine control of the visitation might be the more conspicuous.

Exodus 8:12. brought upon: read appointed for Pharaoh, i.e. as a sign.

Exodus 8:14, gathered: render piled.

Exodus 8:15. that there was respite: better that the respite had come.

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