Apart from the insertions (Genesis 18:17; Genesis 18:22 b - Genesis 18:33 a) the story went on to say that Abraham accompanied his guests, and Yahweh told him that he was going down to Sodom to ascertain if it was really as wicked as rumour declared; then the men went on towards Sodom and Abraham returned home. In the inserted passages judgment is already settled. Yahweh soliloquises and decides to take Abraham into his confidence in view of the great destiny reserved for him. After the men have gone on, Yahweh remains, and Abraham pleads that if a certain number of righteous persons be found in Sodom, a number which he brings down from fifty to ten, the city may be spared for their sake. To this Yahweh assents. The principle which Abraham lays down is that the righteous should not be slain with the wicked, but his actual proposal is not that the righteous should be permitted to escape, but that the wicked city should be spared if it contained ten righteous persons. It is noteworthy how the author, having to put six proposals in Abraham's lips, identical except for the numbers, contrives to introduce so much variety of form.

Genesis 18:19. known: i.e. chosen (cf. Amos 3:2).

Genesis 18:20. We should perhaps render, with the omission of one letter, There is a report about Sodom and Gomorrah, that their sin is great, that it is very grievous.

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