Israel must Reap the Ruin he has Sown. From the days of Gibeah Israel has sinned, and never progressed since (Hosea 10:9, but see notes); Yahweh comes to punish them, and gather the peoples against them (Hosea 10:10). Israel like a well-broken-in heifer loves to thresh; but the harder tasks (ploughing, harrowing) must precede before the crops can be gathered; the discipline must precede the joy of harvest (Hosea 10:11; Hosea 12 is perhaps a gloss). But Israel has ploughed wickedness and reaped disaster, the tumult of war shall arise in his midst, bringing destruction upon the fortresses, the land and her children ruined, and their king swept away (Hosea 10:13). The text in parts is very corrupt.

Hosea 10:9. from the days of Gibeah: the reference is probably to Benjamin's sin described in Judges 19. Wellhausen objects that this was not the sin of Israel, but only of a single tribe, and interprets of the establishment of the monarchy at Gibeah. But it is doubtful whether Hosea regarded the setting up of the monarchy as the fount and chief of Israel's sins. Marti, with large omission, reads: As in the days of Gibeah, there is war against the children of iniquity.

Hosea 10:10. When it is my desire. against them: read, I am come to punish them and gather the peoples against them. The last clause is probably a gloss; read, through their punishment (cf. LXX) for their two transgressions, i.e. not the cultus and the kingdom, but the two calves at Bethel and Dan.

Hosea 10:11. Read, but I have made the yoke pass over her fair neck (Heb, he-ל bharti - ol - al). Judah (between Ephraim and Jacob) can hardly be right. Read, I will yoke Ephraim that he may plough Jacob, etc.

Hosea 10:12 a may be rendered, Sow to yourselves righteousness, and, etc.

Hosea 10:13 b. for. men: probably a gloss. way: read chariots (LXX).

Hosea 10:14. among thy people: read, in thy cities. The clause as Shalman (Shalmaneser IV) spoiled Beth-arbel in the days of battle refers to some incident unknown (probably a gloss).

Hosea 10:15. Read (LXX), So will I do to you, O house of Israel, because of your great wickedness; in the storm shall the king, etc.

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