Yahweh will Work for His People a Deliverance more Wonderful than the Exodus.

Isaiah 43:14 is too corrupt to be translated with confidence. RV understands it to refer to a flight by water of the Babylonians from their fallen city. Yahweh recalls His people's passage through the Red Sea, when He overwhelmed the Egyptians. So much more wonderful will be His new achievement that it will be quoted instead of the Exodus as the supreme evidence of His redeeming power. He will make a road for the exiles through the wilderness, and cause rivers to spring forth in the arid desert; the wild creatures of the wilderness shall praise Him in gratitude.

Isaiah 43:15. Omit am.

Isaiah 43:16. Something has been lost after Lord.

Isaiah 43:17. Translate, Army and warriors together. They lie down and cannot rise.

Isaiah 43:19. Translate, I am doing. it is springing. do ye not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:20 b, Isaiah 43:21. A late gloss; notice the change from the 2nd to the 3rd person.

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