Retribution Awaits those who Cling to the Old Ritual Practices and Refuse to Adhere to the Reformed Religion. Yahweh declares His readiness to respond to this people, but they would not approach Him or call upon (mg., cf. VSS) His name. I made, He says, unceasing entreaty to them, unruly as they were, but they steadfastly adhered to their own evil ways, insulting Me in My own holy city by their grove-worship and incense-burning. They pass the night among the tombs and recesses (to obtain dream-oracles from the dead). They eat the flesh of, and drink - magical hell-broth-' made from, forbidden animals that they sacrifice. Having acquired in these mystic rites a - taboo-' holiness physically contagious they caution others to shrink away lest they too should be made - taboo-' (read in Isaiah 65:5, - lest I make thee holy-': - am holier than-' is an impossible translation). Such men are to Me a standing offence. But My remembrancer records their doings in his book. Nor will I be silent until I have punished their (so VSS) sins and those of their fathers, who defied (mg.) Me with their sacrifices in the high places. I will measure out their recompense upon their head (so emend first) and requite it into their bosom.

Isaiah 65:1. am: the Heb. verbs are tolerative; render both times, allowed myself to be.

Isaiah 65:3. bricks: the meaning is obscure. Perhaps under white poplars should be read; cf. Hosea 4:13.

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