JAMES 1:1. The greeting is in one of the ordinary forms with which
public or private letters open (_cf._ Acts 15:23). Like his brother
Judas (Jude 1:1), James calls himself servant of. Jesus Christ: he
would no longer claim a brother's relation, except what all shared
(Mark 3:35). On our theory we m... [ Continue Reading ]
The paragraph, like its successors, has no special link with its
context: it is the writer's habit to throw out a series of aphoristic
comments on topics, with as much connexion as there is between the
essays of Bacon or successive cantos of Tennyson's _In Memoriam._ It
is the manner of Wisdom liter... [ Continue Reading ]
The paradox of a bragging that comes of humility and faith is common
to James and Paul: it starts from Jeremiah 9:23 t The brotherhood
which levels all differences into a glorious liberty, fraternity, and
equality is the community of God's faithful people. The rich man, as
such, has only the common... [ Continue Reading ]
The Beatitude on Endurance (_cf. James 5:11_ and note). Trial is still
neutral: it is affliction which tests and develops loyalty. But since
human nature has a bias towards evil, a trial exerted upon man's evil
desire (James 1:14) becomes a temptation. As in Romans 5:4, endurance
produces approvedne... [ Continue Reading ]
Be sure of it (_cf. mg.),_ he goes on, and turns to ask what conduct
right views of God should produce. Humility and self-control, firstly,
then purity, gentleness, and teachableness, with unsparing honesty
that turns every creed into a code of action. Quick to hear not only
God's warning, but both... [ Continue Reading ]