JOB 29-31. JOB'S REPLY TO ZOPHAR. He sums up his whole case, ending
with an appeal to God. In Job 29 he surveys his former happy days, in
Job 30 his present misery. Job 31 is his great oath of clearing: Job
solemnly protests his innocence and invites God to judge his case. In
Job 30:21 Job almost re... [ Continue Reading ]
JOB 31. THE OATH OF CLEARING. Job's final protestation of his
innocence, and appeal to God to judge him. This chapter, says Duhm, is
the high-water mark of the OT ethic, higher than the Decalogue or even
than the prophets, since they deal with social not private morality.
Duhm notes especially the h... [ Continue Reading ]