Injustice is incompatible with rule. How does Job condemn God, before whom even kings and princes are vile, and who regards rich and poor alike? He sees the oppressor and suddenly destroys him.

In Job 34:16 follow mg. only understand. In Job 34:18 read with LXX, Vulg. Who saith to a king, Thou art vile, and to nobles, Ye are wicked; that respecteth not the persons of princes. It is God who so speaks. In Job 34:20 b read for the people with Budde the rich; without hand means by the act of God. In Job 34:23 read, For he appointeth no set time for a man that he should go before God in judgment (Wright, Budde, Duhm). In Job 34:26 a some emendation is necessary; the oppressors were wicked and cannot well be struck as wicked men. Perhaps we should read, His wrath breaks the wicked, He striketh at them in the open sight of the others (Bickell, Budde).

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