The Baptist's Disciples and Jesus. On the morrow to two of his disciples John bears similar witness. The account in its details suggests the recollections of one to whom the incident bad been the turning-point of his life. The tenth hour, four o-' clock, if true or traditional, may have suggested to the writer the beginning of a new era. He could hardly have invented it for that purpose. The unnamed disciple (cf. John 1:40) is generally identified with John the son of Zebedee. John 1:41 does not really hint that he also brought his brother James. Jesus reads the character of Simon, and predicts that men will find in him the Rock man, and will so call him (cf. Mark 3:16). It is apparently Peter who (John 1:43) wishes to return to Galilee, and finds Philip, as he himself had been found. Philip continues the chain, and finds Nathanael, generally, but not always in early times, identified with Bartholomew, the usual companion of Philip in the Synoptic lists. Jesus reads his character too, a true Israelite (Genesis 32:28) with none of the guile of the race of Jacob, the supplanter (Genesis 27:36). He is convinced by what seems to him at any rate superhuman knowledge and makes his confession. The Lord's answer teaches that the faith which rests on signs and wonders must yield to that which realises the spiritual character of Messiah's work and kingdom. Heaven will be opened and angels ascend and descend upon the Son of Man (Genesis 28:12).

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