Final Summary of Jesus-' Public Teaching. This summing up of what was most important in the teaching of Jesus throws interesting light on the author's method of recording the speeches. Belief in Jesus is identified with belief in God. He is for men the final revelation of the Father. He came to enlighten, to dispel moral and spiritual darkness. His chief purpose was not to execute the Messianic judgment of men, as some had thought, and rejected Jesus in consequence. Salvation, not judgment, was the object of His coming. But the rejection of Him and His message involved judgment. Refusal to accept His words would condemn men at the last day. For the message was not self-taught. In substance and method of teaching He carried out God's command who sent Him. What He spake, He spake as God told Him. [87]

[87] [J. M. Thompson (Exp., Aug. John 19:15) would transpose 37- 43 and 44- 50, and round off the ministry narrative with the last two verses of ch. 20. A. J. G.]

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