Introduction to the Story of Jephthah. In this section we see the hand of D, and hear the recurrent notes of sin, suffering, repentance, and deliverance.

Judges 10:7. The reference to the Philistines seems to be out of place, unless the section is meant to serve as an introduction to Samson's as well as Jephthah's exploits.

Judges 10:8. Text faulty: eighteen years should probably stand at the end of Judges 10:7, and Judges 10:8 should perhaps read and they vexed and oppressed the children of Israel that were beyond Jordan, the rest being a gloss.

Judges 10:11. Moore thinks that all the proper names after the Egyptians have been added by the latest editor. Maonites may survive in Ma-' an, seven hours from Petra; some read Midianites with LXX (mg.).

Judges 10:17 f. A mere editorial summary of Judges 11.

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