First Prohibition. Animals, etc., not allowed for food. The test is, Is it cloven-footed, and does it chew the cud? For fishes, Has it fins and scales? No test of this nature can be given for birds; leaping insects are clean, insects which only fly, unclean. The tests, especially the first, are clearly artificial and not original; e.g. in the case of swine. Undoubtedly, in primitive thought, each species, allowed or banned, is classed on its merits; but later legislators would naturally be puzzled by the apparent caprice, and desire to find some principle.

Leviticus 11:5. Coney, as RVm (Proverbs 30:26 *).

Leviticus 11:13. Eagle denotes the majestic and abundant carrion vulture, though probably it is also a generic word for eagle or vulture.

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