The Triumphal Entry (Mark 11:1 *, Matthew 21:1 *). There is nothing peculiar in Lk.'s narrative except Luke 19:28, which recalls Luke 9:51, till we come to Luke 19:37. There the crowd is defined as consisting of disciples, and their exultation ascribed to the mighty works which they had seen. Luke 19:38 b reminds us of Luke 2:14, though here we have peace in heaven (cf. Job 25:2), part of Lk.'s paraphrase of Hosanna.

Luke 19:39 f. Lk. only. Syr. Sin. omits of the Pharisees. The verses are Lk.'s equivalent for Matthew 21:15 f., the praise of the children. Jesus accepts the acclaiming homage of the crowd as Divinely ordained.

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