The Genealogy of Jesus (cf. Matthew 1:1 *). The words as was supposed are perhaps from a later hand than that which first compiled the pedigree. Jesus here descends from David, not through Solomon (Matthew 16 f.) but through Nathan. There are other differences; the most noteworthy is that Lk. with characteristic universality goes back beyond Abraham to Adam, the son of God. Jesus is the second Adam (Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:22; 1 Corinthians 15:45).

Luke 3:23. when he began: the words to teach are not in the Gr. AV is wrong in connecting the verb with the age of Jesus. We must follow RV's interpretation, or suppose that something like to be the Son of God (cf. Luke 3:22 *) has been omitted on doctrinal grounds.

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