These verses constitute the longer of two alternative endings found in some MSS. In an Armenian text (of A.D. 986) the longer ending is attributed to Ariston, the Presbyter, perhaps the Aristion who was among the authorities of Papias, at the beginning of the second century. It is a summary, based on the gospels and Acts 9 refers to John 20; John 12 rests on Luke 24; Mark 16:17 f. on Acts 2:28. In style and vocabulary it is distinct from the rest of the gospel. To this longer ending should be added (in Mark 16:14) the passage recently discovered in Codex W, the Detroit MS of the gospels. It is included in Moffatt's translation of the NT. Moffatt also prints the shorter alternative ending referred to in RVm. It runs thus: But they gave Peter and his companions a brief account of all that had been enjoined. And after that Jesus Himself sent out by means of them from east to west the sacred and imperishable message of eternal salvation.

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