Revelation 1:1. An introductory paragraph describing the purpose and
contents of the book.
REVELATION 1:1. REVELATION, _ i.e._ unveiling of the future. GOD GAVE
HIM: the Son receives the revelation from the Father (_cf._ John
7:16). SHORTLY COME TO PASS: the writer expected... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GREETING is addressed to the seven churches of Asia for whom the
book was written.
REVELATION 1:4. SEVEN CHURCHES, _ i.e._ Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,
Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea. ASIA: not in the modern
sense but the Roman province, which extended along the western
coast-line of wh... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PROLOGUE gives an account of the vision of the Son of Man, and the
manner in which the messages to the seven churches came to the seer.
Revelation 1:9. John your brother: the term brother in the NT is used
to signify fellow-Christian, the members of the same Christian
community (_cf._ the phrase... [ Continue Reading ]