1 Chronicles 10:1

1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 10 Saul's overthrow and death, 1 CHRONICLES 10:1. The Philistines triumph over Saul, 1 CHRONICLES 10:8. The kindness of Jabesh-gilead towards Saul and his sons: his sin, 1 CHRONICLES 10:11. Of this and the following verses till 1 CHRONICLES 10:13, see my notes on 1SA 31, where w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 10:6

ALL HIS HOUSE, i.e. all his children, to wit, then present with him, namely, HIS THREE SONS, as it is expressed, 1 SAMUEL 31:6. For it is evident that Ish-bosheth and Mephibosheth were not slain. But nothing is more common in Scripture and all authors, than to understand _all_ of a great and most co... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 10:13

SAUL DIED FOR HIS TRANSGRESSION: the sense is, Wonder not that Saul fell by the hands of the Philistines, who were armed against him by his own sin and by God's vengeance for it. AGAINST THE WORD OF THE LORD; against God's express, and plain, and positive command; which is a great aggravation of any... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 10:14

INQUIRED NOT OF THE LORD. OBJECT. Saul inquired of the Lord, 1 SAMUEL 28:6. ANSW. He did so, but not in a right manner, not humbly and penitently, not diligently and importunately, not patiently and perseveringly; but when God would not answer him speedily, he gives it over, and goes from God to the... [ Continue Reading ]

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