1 Chronicles 11:1

1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 11 David made king at Hebron; by Joab's valour winneth the castle of Zion from the Jebusites; repaireth the city of Jerusalem, 1 CHRONICLES 11:1. A catalogue of his mighty men, 1 CHRONICLES 11:10. ALL ISRAEL, i.e. _all the tribes of Israel_, as it is expressed, 2 SAMUEL 5:1, i.e... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:2

GOD SAID UNTO THEE, or, _concerning thee_; for it is apparent that they knew of it; and therefore many of them opposed David hitherto against their own consciences.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:6

Before this he was one of David's chief captains, 2 SAMUEL 3:22,23, and general of the forces of Judah; but now he is made captain-general of all the forces of Israel and Judah.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:10

WHO STRENGTHENED THEMSELVES WITH HIM IN HIS KINGDOM; who helped him with all their might to settle him in his kingdom. WITH ALL ISRAEL; in conjunction with all those loyal Israelites who joined with David; of whom see the next chapter.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:11

AN HACHMONITE; called the _Tachmonite_, and _Adino the Eznite_, 2 SAMUEL 23:8. SLAIN BY HIM, to wit, by his own hand, five hundred more being slain by others then joining with him, who pursued the victory that he alone got, and in the pursuit slew five hundred, both which sums make up the eight hund... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:19

Heb. _these three mighties_, to wit, last mentioned, whereof one was Abishai, 1 CHRONICLES 11:20; for the acts of two of the first three are here passed over, being recorded 2SA 23.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:20

HE SLEW THEM; he vanquished them all, and slew a great number of them; though it be not said that he slew them all at one time, as it is said of Jashobeam, above, 1 CHRONICLES 11:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:24

HAD A NAME, i.e. was greatly reputed; for though he did not equal Abishai, one of these three, as appears by 1 CHRONICLES 11:20,21, yet he did excel the third of them, and all the thirty here following.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:38

JOEL THE BROTHER OF NATHAN; either, 1. The same who is called _Jaal the son of Nathan of Zobah_, being possibly his brother by birth and nature, and called his son by adoption, or right of succession to his estate, or called his brother at large for his near kinsman, and his son for his nephew. Or,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:41

URIAH THE HITTITE; the last of that catalogue in 2 SAMUEL 23:39. But here some others are added to the number, because though they were not of the thirty, yet they were men of great valour and renown amongst David's commanders.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:44

THE AROERITE; so called possibly because his station and quarters were upon the river Aroer beyond Jordan, being placed there for the defence of those parts.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 11:46

So called, either because he was by birth a Moabite, though now proselyted to the true religion, or from some eminent service done by him against the Moabites, as among the Romans Scipio was called Asiatic and African, because of his great achievements and victories over those parts and people.... [ Continue Reading ]

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