1 Chronicles 12:1

1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 12 The companies that came to David at Ziklag, when pursued by Saul: some of Saul's own family; some of the tribe of Gad; of Benjamin; and Judah; and Manasseh, 1 CHRONICLES 12:1. The armies that came to him at Hebron; their feast, 1 CHRONICLES 12:23. WHILE HE YET KEPT HIMSELF CL... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:2

COULD USE BOTH THE RIGHT HAND AND THE LEFT, with like nimbleness and certainty. Compare JUDGES 3:15, JUDGES 20:16. OF SAUL'S BRETHREN OF BENJAMIN, i.e. of Saul's own tribe; who were moved hereunto by God's Spirit, and by the conscience of their duty to David, to whom God had given the crown in rever... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:8

SEPARATED THEMSELVES FROM SAUL, to whom they had hitherto adhered; and from their brethren of their own tribe, who yet maintained Saul's cause; and from their families, and the places where they lived, from whom they went to David. INTO THE HOLD TO THE WILDERNESS, or, _into the hold of the wildernes... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:14

Not that they brought now so many men with them; but either, 1. They had hitherto been captains or colonels under Saul, or in the established militia or bands of their tribe. Or, 2. They were so afterwards under David, who for their valour and fidelity thus advanced them.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:15

THEY THAT WENT OVER JORDAN, to wit, in Saul's time, when, it seems, the enemies of the Israelites had made an inroad, and done some mischiefs to the Israelites beyond Jordan, to whose help these then came. WHEN IT HAD OVERFLOWN ALL HIS BANKS; as it commonly did about that time. See JOSHUA 3:15, JOSH... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:17

AND ANSWERED, i. e. spake, as that word is oft used in Scripture, even of him that speaketh first. MINE HEART SHALL BE KNIT UNTO YOU; I shall ever esteem and love you, and show this by my actions to you hereafter. IF YE BE COME TO BETRAY ME TO MINE ENEMIES; which your number, and quality, and near r... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:18

THE SPIRIT CAME UPON AMASAI; not only saving graces, but other heroical and generous motions, are ascribed to God's Spirit, which here stirred up in him a more than ordinary greatness and presentness of mind and resolution. THY GOD HELPETH THEE; we have observed God's singular and gracious care of t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:19

THEY HELPED THEM NOT, i.e. the Manassites here named, and the rest of David's forces, to whom they had now joined themselves, did not help the Philistines in battle, as David had pretended to do.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:21

AGAINST THE BAND OF THE ROVERS, i.e. against the Amalekites who had taken and burned Ziklag, whom David and his six hundred men were now pursuing, whom these accompanied in that expedition. Or, _with a band or troop of soldiers_, which they brought along with them to David's assistance. THEY WERE AL... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:22

AT THAT TIME, i.e. while he was at Ziklag, and in his march to Hebron, and principally at Hebron, as the next verse explains it. LIKE THE HOST OF GOD, i.e. innumerable, like the stars or angels, both which are called God's hosts. Otherwise, _the host of God_, i.e. a very great host, great things bei... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:27

THE LEADER OF THE AARONITES; not the high priest, for that was Abiathar, 1 SAMUEL 23:6; but one of eminent place under him, and who had a great power and interest among his brethren.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:28

ZADOK; thought to be the same who was made high priest in Solomon's time, 1 KINGS 2:35; which if true, he was very young at this time. TWENTY AND TWO CAPTAINS, whom he brought along with him.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:31

OF THE HALF TRIBE OF MANASSEH, which was within Jordan; for of the other half beyond Jordan he speaks 1 CHRONICLES 12:37. WHICH WERE EXPRESSED BY NAME; which were not ashamed nor afraid publicly to own David, first by putting their names to some paper presented to them for that purpose, and then by... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:32

UNDERSTANDING OF THE TIMES; either, 1. Skill in the stars, and several seasons and changes of the air; which might be of good use in husbandry, to which this tribe was addicted GENESIS 49:14 DEUTERONOMY 33:18. Or rather, 2. Political prudence to discern and embrace the fit seasons for all actions;... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:33

OF ZEBULUN FIFTY THOUSAND; for this tribe being next to that of Issachar, which was generally well affected to David, were probably very much swayed by their opinion and advice. WHICH COULD KEEP RANK, or, which were disposed, or prepared, or ordered for battle, or to fight for David, if occasion so... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 12:40

THEY THAT WERE NIGH THEM; that lived not far from Hebron, the place where they now were. UNTO ISSACHAR AND ZEBULUN AND NAPHTALI: this is added by way of amplification and explication, to show that he did not understand this of those Israelites only who lived in the neighbourhood of Hebron, but of th... [ Continue Reading ]

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