Of Zebulun fifty thousand; for this tribe being next to that of Issachar, which was generally well affected to David, were probably very much swayed by their opinion and advice. Which could keep rank, or, which were disposed, or prepared, or ordered for battle, or to fight for David, if occasion so required. Not of double heart, Heb. without a heart and a heart; which may relate either,

1. To the whole body of them; they were all of one heart and one mind towards David, not some for him, and others secretly against him, but all with one soul and one consent adhered to him. Or,

2. To the same particular persons; they were each of them sincerely loyal to David, and did not dissemble with David, pretending to be for him, whilst in their hearts they favoured Saul's family; which possibly some of those who came to Hebron did. Or this is particularly noted of this tribe, because they lay under some suspicion in this matter, as also some of the other tribes did; and therefore the like testimony is given to all of them, 1 Chronicles 12:38.

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