1 Chronicles 19:1

1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 19 David's messengers to Hanun are villanously entreated, 1 CHRONICLES 19:1. The Ammonites and Syrians are overcome by Joab and Abishai, 1 CHRONICLES 19:6; by David himself, 1 CHRONICLES 19:16. Of all the contents of this chapter, see the notes on 2SA 10, where we have the same... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 19:7

THIRTY AND TWO THOUSAND CHARIOTS, i. e. thirty-two thousand men fighting from or with chariots, as that word is elsewhere used; of which see my notes on 1 SAMUEL 13:5. And this interpretation seems the more probable by comparing this place with 2 SAMUEL 10:6, where this army is said to consist of _t... [ Continue Reading ]

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