1 Chronicles 26:1

1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 26 The division of the porters, 1 CHRONICLES 26:1. The gates assigned by lot, 1 CHRONICLES 26:13. The Levites have charge of the treasures of the temple, 1 CHRONICLES 26:20. Officers and judges, 1 CHRONICLES 26:29. Not that famous _Asaph_ the singer, but another _Asaph_, called... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:6

THAT RULED THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE OF THEIR FATHER; that had the command of their brethren and families, being, as some say, captains of hundreds or of thousands; of which see EXODUS 18:25 2 KINGS 11:9. THEY WERE MIGHTY MEN OF VALOR: this clause is divers times mentioned, because their office returned... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:10

Taking away the birthright from the first-born, either absolutely for some gross miscarriage, as GENESIS 49:4; or only in this respect, because he wanted either strength or valour, or some other qualification necessary for his office.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:12

HAVING WARDS ONE AGAINST ANOTHER; Heb. having _wards against or answerably to their brethren_, to wit, the other Levites, who were divided into twenty-four courses, as the priests also were, and so it seems were the porters.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:13

THEY CAST LOTS, AS WELL THE SMALL AS THE GREAT; determining the times and places of their service not by age or dignity, but merely by lot. ACCORDING TO THE HOUSE OF THEIR FATHERS; a several lot being allowed for each several house. FOR EVERY GATE, that it might be known to whom the care of each gat... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:14

A WISE COUNSELLOR; which is noted as an excellent and useful accomplishment for his office, in which there was need of wisdom as well as courage, as may appear by the description of their work, 1 CHRONICLES 26:20, &c. SEE POOLE ON "1 CHRONICLES 26:6".... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:15

ASUPPIM; a place so called; or, _of gatherings_; so named either from the assembly of the elders, who met there to consult about the affairs of the temple; or from the people, who were there gathered together to hear the discourses and debates of the teachers of the law; or because the gifts of the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:16

SHUPPIM AND HOSAH for some reason were joined together in the custody of that gate. THE GATE SHALLECHETH; a gate of the court so called, as some think, because the ashes and filth of the temple were cast out on that side, which was the most convenient gate for that purpose, because that was a privat... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:17

EASTWARD WERE SIX LEVITES; for that being the chief gate of the temple, required a better guard. TOWARD ASUPPIM, i.e., _the house of Asuppim_, as it is called, 1 CHRONICLES 26:15, where also it is said to be on the south side; on which there seems to have been a double guard both belonging to Obed-e... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:18

AT PARBAR, or, _as concerning Parbar_, which was another gate, or some building on the western quarter of the temple. AT THE CAUSEWAY, which led to Parbar. _At Parbar_; at the gate or house itself; by which it may seem that this was a place of some importance, either the vessels of the temple, or so... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:20

Either these are the same kind of treasures, the latter phrase only explaining the former, the particle _and_ being used for _that is_; or rather, they are two different kinds of treasures, the former containing the sacred vessels and other treasures, which by God's command were appropriated to the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:21

THE SONS OF THE GERSHONITE LAADAN, CHIEF FATHERS, i.e. which sons were chief fathers, or heads of the houses of their fathers. JEHIELI; understand here, and his sons, which here follow.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:22

_ As Shelomith and his brethren were over the treasures of the dedicated things_, 1 CHRONICLES 26:26. But both may seem to have been subject and accountable to Ahijah, who was over both these kinds of treasures, 1 CHRONICLES 26:20. Or Ahijah might have a general oversight into the management of thos... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:23

Or, _as concerning_ THE AMRAMITES, &c. The meaning is, the persons here following were of these, or the most of these, families. Only here is none of the family of the Uzzielites; either because that family was now extinct; whence it is that we read no more of them in the Scripture, but only in this... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:24

The prince or chief over all the treasures, and treasures mentioned either before or afterward, as his very title shows, which is peculiarly given to him, and to none of the rest.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:27

Heb. _to strengthen it_; either to make that building strong and substantial by these and other charges; or rather, to repair it when it should be built; for which they might the rather take particular care, because it was likely that every one would contribute to the building of the temple, and the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:28

SHELOMITH is particularly named here, and 1 CHRONICLES 26:26, because they were chiefly committed to his trust, he being, it seems, a person of eminent wisdom and faithfulness.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:29

CHENANIAH AND HIS SONS, who are probably thought to have been one thousand six hundred, for that sum added to the one thousand seven hundred, 1 CHRONICLES 26:30, and the two thousand seven hundred, 1 CHRONICLES 26:32, make up those six thousand Levites which were OFFICERS AND JUDGES, 1 CHRONICLES 23... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:30

ON THIS SIDE JORDAN WESTWARD; in those parts of the land of Canaan which border upon Jordan, or are not very remote from it. IN ALL THE BUSINESS OF THE LORD, i.e. in all things which did or should concern the house or worship of God; partly to take care that such monies as were either imposed by a t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:31

IN THE FORTIETH YEAR; which was his last year, in which he made all the orders and distributions of families and offices recorded in these Chapter s. JAZER OF GILEAD is here named, either because they were seated in or near that place, but for what cause it is now unknown; or because they were numbe... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 26:32

TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN HUNDRED CHIEF FATHERS; which is a very great number to be employed about two tribes and a half, when all the rest of the tribes had only one thousand and seven hundred, 1 CHRONICLES 26:30, besides those under Chenaniah; of whom SEE POOLE ON "1 CHRONICLES 26:29". But the reason... [ Continue Reading ]

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