Shuppim and Hosah for some reason were joined together in the custody of that gate. The gate Shallecheth; a gate of the court so called, as some think, because the ashes and filth of the temple were cast out on that side, which was the most convenient gate for that purpose, because that was a private quarter, the great ways to the temple lying on the other sides. By the causeway of the going up; by which causeway they went up towards the temple. Ward against ward; which may respect either,

1. The time of their watching, that when one guard went off another came on. Or rather,

2. The place of their guard; and so this may be understood, either,

1. Of this western quarter, where there was a double guard, either because there were two gates there, as some think, or for some other cause now unknown. Or rather,

2. Of all the quarters compared together; of all which having spoken he adds this, that as one gate was over against another, the west against the east, and the north against the south, so one ward was over against another.

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