Chenaniah and his sons, who are probably thought to have been one thousand six hundred, for that sum added to the one thousand seven hundred, 1 Chronicles 26:30, and the two thousand seven hundred, 1 Chronicles 26:32, make up those six thousand Levites which were officers and judges, 1 Chronicles 23:4. For the outward business; for that business of the Lord and of the king (as it is explained here, 1 Chronicles 26:30,32) which was to be done without the temple, and without Jerusalem; for what was to be done within them was committed to other hands, as we have seen. Over Israel, synecdochically; i.e. over part of Israel, even over the midland part, and that which lay upon the sea-coast; for the other parts of the land on both sides of Jordan are here committed to others, 1 Chronicles 26:30. For officers and judges; who shall be officers and judges over the people in the several cities and towns or parts of the land, to determine questions and controversies which might arise among them. And the reason why the Levites were intrusted with these matters was, because the common or municipal law of Israel, by which they had and held all their rights, was no other than the law of God, whereof the priests and Levites being the best and established interpreters, must needs therefore be the most proper judges of things depending thereupon.

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