On this side Jordan westward; in those parts of the land of Canaan which border upon Jordan, or are not very remote from it. In all the business of the Lord, i.e. in all things which did or should concern the house or worship of God; partly to take care that such monies as were either imposed by a tax, or freely given by the people, towards the building or repairing of the temple, or towards the sacrifices and other holy ministrations, should be gathered and received, and faithfully sent up to Jerusalem to be employed in that work; partly to see to the execution of all the laws of God among the people, and to restrain or punish wilful offenders against it. In the service of the king; not that all the king's businesses were managed by them; for it is apparent, both from the nature of the thing, and from Scripture, that the king's military affairs were managed by his captains, and his political or civil affairs were managed by the princes, and judges, and officers of other tribes; but because they served the king in the execution of his decrees, made pursuantly to the laws of God, by which the several rights of king and people were established, and all things both in church and commonwealth were to be ordered. Now as the king was the principal person intrusted with the execution of God's laws, so these Levites chiefly were his eyes by which he saw his people's transgressions, and his hands by which he inflicted due and deserved censures upon them for their miscarriages. And the doing of this was very much for the service of the king, whose throne was established and secured by such righteous administrations. Besides, they were to take care by their counsel and authority to keep the people in obedience to their king; which the Levites were most obliged and best obliged to do.

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