1 Chronicles 29:1

1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 29 David, by his example and entreaty, 1 CHRONICLES 29:1, causes the princes and people to offer willingly, 1 CHRONICLES 27:6. David's thanksgiving and prayer, 1 CHRONICLES 29:10. The people having blessed God and sacrificed, make Solomon king, 1 CHRONICLES 29:20. David's reign... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:3

OF MINE OWN PROPER GOOD; of that which I have reserved as a peculiar treasure to my own use, after I had separated those things which I had devoted to God.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:4

THE GOLD OF OPHIR was accounted the best and purest gold; of which see JOB 22:24, JOB 28:16 ISAIAH 13:12; by which it appears that those hundred thousand talents mentioned before, 1 CHRONICLES 22:14, were a coarser and impurer sort of gold. TO OVERLAY THE WALLS OF THE HOUSES WITHAL; the walls of the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:9

THE PEOPLE REJOICED, because this was both an effect of God's grace in them, and an eminent token of God's favour and goodness to be continued to them, and a good pledge that this great and long-desired work of the building of the people would receive a certain and a speedy accomplishment.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:11

THINE, O LORD, IS THE GREATNESS AND THE POWER, i.e. thou art great and powerful, &c. AS HEAD ABOVE ALL; as the sovereign Lord and Owner of all persons and things.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:12

THOU REIGNEST OVER ALL, i.e. thou disposest of riches and honour as thou pleasest. TO GIVE STRENGTH UNTO ALL; even to the weakest, whom thou canst make strong; and to the strongest, who are weak without thy help.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:14

THAT WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO OFFER SO WILLINGLY, i.e. that thou shouldst give us both such riches out of which we should be able to make such an offering, and such a willing and free heart to offer them; both which are thy gifts, and the fruits of thy good grace and mercy to us. OF THINE OWN HAVE WE GI... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:15

These words may contain a reason, either, 1. Of the first clause of 1 CHRONICLES 29:14, _Who am I_ &c., i.e. what mean and contemptible creatures are we, and how unworthy of so high a favour! _for_, saith he here, _we_, I and my people, as it is 1 CHRONICLES 29:14, _are strangers_, &c, poor pilgrim... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:17

By the largeness of their offering I discern the sincerity, willingness, and generosity of their hearts towards thee; for David judged, as in reason and clarity he ought, of the tree by its fruit, and of their hearts by their actions.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:18

KEEP THIS FOR EVER IN THE IMAGINATION OF THE THOUGHTS OF THE HEART OF THY PEOPLE; since it is from thy grace that thy people have such willing minds to thy service, as was before acknowledged, I beg the continuance of that grace to them, that they may persist in the same generous and pious dispositi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:21

UNTO THE LORD; before the ark which was there. FOR ALL ISRAEL; either, 1. On the behalf of all Israel, to praise God in their names, to procure God's presence and blessing for them all. Or, 2. So many, that the feasts which, after the manner, were made of the remainders of the sacrifices, were abu... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:22

BEFORE THE LORD, i.e. before the ark, in courts or places as near to it as they conveniently could. Or, as in God's presence, in a solemn and religious manner, praising God for this great mercy, and begging his blessing upon this great affair. THE SECOND TIME. This is called _the second time_ in ref... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:23

ON THE THRONE OF THE LORD, i.e. on the throne of Israel, which is called the throne of the Lord, either more generally, as all thrones are the Lord s, by whom kings reign, PROVERBS 8:15, and magistrates are ordained, ROMANS 13:1,2; or more specially and peculiarly; either, 1. Because the Lord himse... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:24

Heb. _Put their hands under Solomon_, i.e. they owned him for their king, and themselves for his subjects, and swore fealty to him; which possibly they now did after the ancient manner, with that ceremony of putting their hands under his thigh, which was used in swearing, GENESIS 24:2, GENESIS 47:29... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:25

SUCH ROYAL MAJESTY, i.e. such honour and reputation, together with power and riches, and all things which snake a king great and glorious. ANY KING; either David or Saul, or any of the former governors of Israel, the word _king_ being oft used in a large sense for any governor.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:26

This sacred writer having mentioned the anointing of Solomon to be king, 1 CHRONICLES 29:22, and upon that occasion proceeded to give a further account of Solomon's actual settlement in his kingdom, and of his prosperous and glorious management of it, 1 CHRONICLES 29:23, he now returns to his main a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:28

FULL OF DAYS; fully satisfied with the days which God had given him, having had the happiness to see his beloved Solomon settled in his throne, being now weary of this life, and desiring to be with God.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:29

Either in the two Books of Samuel, as they are now called, which were written part by Samuel, and part by Nathan and Gad; or in the annals or chronicles of that kingdom, which were written by Nathan and Gad, who were not only prophets, but historiographers or annalists; out of which they or some oth... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 29:30

THE TIMES THAT WENT OVER HIM, i.e. the changes which befell him, both his persecutions and manifold troubles, and his great successes and achievements; the word _time_ or times being oft put for things done or happening in them, as PSALMS 31:15, PSALMS 87:5. OF THE COUNTRIES, Heb. _of these countrie... [ Continue Reading ]

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