Of whom, at least under that name, there is no mention in thee history of the reign of Josiah's sons, 2Ki 23 2Ki 24. But in Jeremiah 22:11, there is mention of Shallum the son of Josiah king of Judah, which reigned instead of Josiah his father; which most conceive to be the same who is otherwise called Jehoahaz, 2Ki 23. And this seems most probable,

1. From that phrase, he reigned instead of Josiah; which implies that he immediately succeeded his father; otherwise he would have been said to have reigned instead of his brother, as Zedekiah is said to reign instead of Jehoiachin, 2 Kings 24:17, because he was his next successor.

2. From the order of that sermon or discourse of Jeremiah, which was directed to Zedekiah, and his servants, and people, as appears by Jeremiah 21:1,2,11 22:1,2, whom he admonisheth by the examples of the kings his predecessors, and of the sentence of God concerning each of them, and that in order as they reigned:

1. Of Shallum, 1 Chronicles 3:11, &c.

2. Of Jehoiakim, 1 Chronicles 3:18, &c.

3. Of Jeconiah, 1 Chronicles 3:24, &c. Therefore Shallum is the same with Jehoahaz, who was the first king after Josiah, 2 Kings 23:30.

4. From the nature of that prophecy, Jeremiah 22:11,12, which best agrees to Jehoahaz, who was carried captive not so far as Babylon, but only to Egypt, a very near country whence the people hoped that he would speedily and easily return, or be re-established in his throne by the king of Egypt, in opposition to the king of Babylon.

5. Because Jehoahaz was one of Josiah's younger sons, as appears by comparing 2 Kings 23:31,36. And this Shallum is here called his fourth son.

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