1 Chronicles 5:1

1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 5 The line of Reuben unto the captivity: their war against the Hagarites, 1 CHRONICLES 5:1. The chief men and habitation of Gad, 1 CHRONICLES 5:11. The number of the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh, that marched against the Hagarites, and overcame them, 1 CHR... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:2

Judah; not the person, (for so Joseph prevailed,) but the tribe of Judah. PREVAILED ABOVE HIS BRETHREN; excelled the other tribes in number and power, and especially in the following privilege. AND OF HIM, or _for of him_, as the Hebrew _vau_ is oft used; this being a reason of the foregoing asserti... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:4

JOEL was the son either of Carmi last mentioned; or rather of Hanoch, Reuben's first-born, because he and his were successively princes of this tribe, as may be gathered from 1 CHRONICLES 5:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:8

WHO DWELT, to wit, the Reubenites, all these here before mentioned, as appears both by the following verses, which relate to the whole tribe; and by the agreement of this description of their inheritance with that, JOSHUA 13:15,16.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:9

HE INHABITED, i.e. the tribe of Reuben. FROM THE RIVER EUPHRATES; from Jordan and the wilderness beyond it unto Euphrates. Or, OF THE WILDERNESS, which lies towards or reacheth to the river Euphrates, namely, the great wilderness of Kedemoth, DEUTERONOMY 2:26, which was extended far and wide towards... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:10

THEY MADE WAR; the Gadites and Manassites joining with them in the war, 1 CHRONICLES 5:18,19. WITH THE HAGARITES; the Ishmeelites, who dwelt in Arabia the Desert. THEY DWELT IN THEIR TENTS; the Israelites took possession of their lands, and tents or houses. THROUGHOUT ALL THE EAST LAND OF GILEAD; wh... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:12

THE CHIEF; the prince of the tribe, or at least of his family, when they were numbered, to wit, in the days of Jotham, 1 CHRONICLES 5:17. SHAPHAT IN BASHAN, i.e. who dwelt in the city of Bashan. Others thus, Who abode in Bashan to defend the city and country, when their brethren went out to war agai... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:15

This _Ahi_ was the head or chief of the houses or families, either, 1. Of those seven named 1 CHRONICLES 5:13; or, 2. Of Abdiel and Guni last named, and of their fifties.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:16

THEY DWELT, i.e. the children or tribe of Gad. IN GILEAD, i.e. in part of Gilead; for the Reubenites and Manassites dwelt in other parts of it, DEUTERONOMY 3:12,13,16. IN BASHAN; in the land of Bashan, as it is said, 1 CHRONICLES 5:11. QUEST. How come the Gadites to dwell in Bashan, when all Bashan... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:17

IN THE DAYS OF JOTHAM KING OF JUDAH; who reigning long, partly in his father's days, and partly by himself, 2KI 15, and being at leisure as to wars or troubles, thought this a fit season to examine the state of his people. IN THE DAYS OF JEROBOAM; either the second of that name, of whom see 2 KINGS... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:20

THEY WERE HELPED AGAINST THEM, to wit, by God, 1 CHRONICLES 5:22, who gave them extraordinary courage and success. ALL THAT WERE WITH THEM; their friends and allies in this war.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:21

OF THEIR CAMELS FIFTY THOUSAND; for camels were very numerous in Arabia, being used in war, and for burdens, &c., and being very patient of thirst, and therefore most fit for those hot and dry countries. OF MEN AN HUNDRED THOUSAND; whom they took prisoners, and either used as slaves, or sold them fo... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:22

THE WAR WAS OF GOD; God put them upon it, and mightily assisted them in it. THEY DWELT, i.e. that party of these tribes which went out to this war, being 44,760 men; or part of them by the consent of the rest. UNTIL THE CAPTIVITY; of which 2 KINGS 15:29, 2 KINGS 17:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:23

Having discoursed of the Reubenites, 1 CHRONICLES 5:3, &c., and next of the Gadites, 1 CHRONICLES 5:11, &c., he now comes to the Manassites. IN THE LAND, i.e. in their land, to wit, in the northern part of the land beyond Jordan.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 5:26

STIRRED UP THE SPIRIT; he so governed his counsels and affections, that he should bring his forces against this people rather than others. Of Halah, Habor, &c., see 2 KINGS 17:6, 2 KINGS 18:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

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