1 CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 15 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1 From the truth of Christ's
resurrection Paul inferreth the necessity of our own. 1 CORINTHIANS
15:20 Christ the first-fruits, being raised, shall be followed in due
order by those that are his, 1 CORINTHIANS 15:24 till having subdued
all enemies he shall g... [ Continue Reading ]
BY WHICH ALSO YE ARE SAVED; by the believing, receiving, of which
doctrine, you are already in the way to salvation (as it is said, 1
THESSALONIANS 3:18: _He that believeth on him is not condemned; _ and
1 THESSALONIANS 3:36: _He hath everlasting life, _ and shall be
eternally saved): but not unless... [ Continue Reading ]
For I, in my preaching, delivered it to you as one of the principal
articles of the Christian faith, which I received, either from Christ
_by revelation, _ (as he saith, GALATIANS 1:12), or from Ananias. ACTS
9:17, _how that Christ died for our sins,_ ROMANS 4:25, that is, that
he might satisfy the... [ Continue Reading ]
Not the death only, but the burial of Christ, and his resurrection
again from the dead, were (though more darkly) revealed in the
Scriptures of the Old Testament. Jonah and Isaac were both of them
types of this; David prophesied, that God would not leave his _soul in
hell, _ nor suffer his _Holy One... [ Continue Reading ]
We read not in the history of the gospel of Christ's appearing unto
Peter, unless he were one of those to whom Christ appeared, as they
were going to Emmaus; for which there is this probability, because
when they came to Jerusalem, they told the rest, that the Lord was
risen, and had appeared unto S... [ Continue Reading ]
Of this appearance to ABOVE FIVE HUNDRED BRETHREN AT ONCE the Gospels
say nothing; but it is probably thought to be understood of that great
meeting of the disciples in Galilee, where our Saviour promised to
meet them, MATTHEW 2:32; MATTHEW 26:7, after his resurrection.
Wherever it was, the apostle... [ Continue Reading ]
The Scripture tells us nothing, in the history of the gospel, of
Christ's appearing to _James; _ but we read of two appearances to the
apostles besides these, which the apostle had before mentioned.... [ Continue Reading ]
LAST OF ALL the apostles, or, it may be, last of all persons; for
after Stephen we read of none but St. Paul who saw Christ. Stephen, as
they were stoning him, cried out: _Behold, I see the heavens opened,
and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God,_ ACTS 7:56. We
read of Paul's hearing a... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LEAST, not in dignity, or gifts, or labours; (he tells us, that he
had _laboured more than all, _ he had made the gospel to abound _from
Jerusalem to Illyricum; _ he hath in this Epistle let us know, that he
spake with tongues more than they all); but deserving the least
esteem, as he afterward... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THE GRACE OF GOD I AM WHAT I AM; by the free love and goodness of
God, I, that was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious,
have obtained mercy; and though it was impossible for me any more to
requite and answer, than at first to merit, that love, yet his grace
in me hath produced so... [ Continue Reading ]
WHETHER IT WERE I OR THEY; whether I or any other of the apostles
preached amongst you. SO WE PREACH, AND SO YE BELIEVED: this was one
great point that we preached amongst you, that Christ was risen again
from the dead. This we held forth to you as the object of your faith,
this you received and clo... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle having laid a good foundation, proving the resurrection of
Christ by a plentiful testimony of those who saw him after that he was
risen from the dead; and minded them, that this was the doctrine of
the gospel, which both they and all the rest of the apostles had with
one consent preached... [ Continue Reading ]
CHRIST NOT RISEN. But some will possibly say: How doth this follow?
Suppose it true, that Christ be risen, how doth it follow, that the
dead shall rise? The force of it lieth in several things:
1. Christ, as he saith, 1 CORINTHIAN... [ Continue Reading ]
Now, (saith the apostle), if Christ be not raised, in what a case are
you! And we also, who have preached his resurrection to you! Our
preaching is vain and false, and your faith is so also, for the object
of it faileth, which is a Christ risen from the dead.... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 15,16. There is nothing in these two verses but what the apostle
had before said, viz. That if Christ were not risen, the apostles
preaching and the Corinthians believing were both of them vain and
false. Only what the apostle, in the former verse, called preaching,
he here calleth witnessing:... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "1 CORINTHIANS 15:51... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, ye are yet in your estate of nature, under the guilt and
condemning power of your sins, which are not yet pardoned to you; for
no sins are remitted, but upon believing in the Lord Jesus Christ,
which none can do, if Christ be not risen from the dead; for by that
he was _declared to be the S... [ Continue Reading ]
Some think that the term IN CHRIST in this text, is of the same
significancy with for the sake of Christ, which would restrain it to
martyrs; but I know no reason for that, because what is said is true
of all; for it is plain, from what was said before, that if Christ be
not risen from the dead, all... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle here argueth the resurrection of believers from a new
head. It is not reasonable for any to imagine, that those who believe
in Jesus Christ should of all others be the most miserable; but this
they must be, if there be no resurrection from the dead. He enlargeth
upon this head or argumen... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle returneth to his former argument, to discourse concerning
the resurrection of Christ, who is by him called the FIRST-FRUITS OF
THEM THAT SLEPT; not of all that shall rise, (as some think), for it
will be hard to prove, that any benefit of Christ's death or
resurrection, after this life,... [ Continue Reading ]
Since by one man, viz. Adam, (who is also styled _the son of God._
LUKE 3:38, because he had neither father nor mother), came man's
subjection to mortality, sicknesses, and death here, and eternal death
and misery in another world; it pleased God that by one, who though he
was the eternal, only bego... [ Continue Reading ]
As in the first Adam all men, that were in him, became subject both to
temporal death, and all the afflictions and miseries of this life,
which are so many little deaths, ROMANS 8:36, and forerunners of
natural death, or attendants upon it; and also to that eternal death,
which is the consequent of... [ Continue Reading ]
IN HIS OWN ORDER, either with respect to time, or dignity, lest any
should say: If Christ's resurrection be the cause of the resurrection
of believers, then why did not all the saints, that were in the
graves, rise with Christ? The apostle saith: God had appointed an
order, and this order was, that... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN COMETH THE END; the end of all the miseries and afflictions which
believers meet with in this life, or the end of all our preaching and
ministry, the end of the world, or the end of man; or rather, (as the
next words seem to interpret it), the end of that mediatory kingdom of
Christ, which he n... [ Continue Reading ]
God hath so decreed, (and what he hath said must come to pass), that
Christ should, as Mediator, exercise a Kingdom and government in the
world, until he haith subdued all the enemies of his gospel and
people; all those who have said, he shall not rule over them; the
whole world that lieth in wicked... [ Continue Reading ]
If death be an enemy, (as we usually judge), that also must be
destroyed; and there is no other way to destroy death, but by the
causing of a resurrection from the dead. So that the apostle proveth
the resurrection from the necessity of Christ's reigning until all his
enemies be destroyed, of which... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle referreth to PSALMS 8:6, where the psalmist adoreth God
for the privileges given man in his creation; amongst which this is
one, that God had _put all things under his feet:_ the psalmist
afterward expounds that universal particle, PSALMS 8:7,8, by _all
sheep and oxen, yea, and the beast... [ Continue Reading ]
The Son's subjection to his Father, which is mentioned in this place,
doth no where prove his inequality of essence or power with his
Father; it only signifieth what was spoken before, that Christ should
deliver up his mediatory kingdom to his Father; so manifesting, that
whatsoever he had done in t... [ Continue Reading ]
A very difficult text, and variously expounded. The terms baptize, and
baptism, signify no more in their original and native signification,
than to wash, and a washing: the _washing of pots and cups, _ in use
amongst the Jews, is, in the Greek, the baptisms of pots and cups. But
the most usu... [ Continue Reading ]
We are the veriest fools in nature, if there be no resurrection of
believers unto life; for it is in the firm belief and hopes of that,
that we are in danger of our lives, and all that we have, every hour
of our lives.... [ Continue Reading ]
What is meant here by YOUR REJOICING WHICH I HAVE, is something
doubted; some understanding it of the apostle's rejoicing in them as
believers, whom he had been an instrument to convert, and bring home
to Christ; others, of their rejoicing in him (which seems not
probable, many of them so much despi... [ Continue Reading ]
Concerning this fight of the apostle with BEASTS AT EPHESUS, there are
two opinions; some thinking that he indeed fought with beasts, and we
know that in those countries such a punishment was in use, to bring
out malefactors to fight with wild beasts; but as we read in the Acts
of no such dealings w... [ Continue Reading ]
Do not suffer yourselves to be abused with evil and corrupt discourses
of those philosophers amongst whom you converse, who argue from innate
principles of reason against articles of faith; though you may judge
that they talk but for discourse sake, yet their communication or
discourse is naught, an... [ Continue Reading ]
AWAKE TO RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND SIN NOT: sin is in Scripture compared to
sleep, REVELATION 13:11 EPHESIANS 5:14, and that very properly; for as
the natural senses are bound up in natural sleep, so the sinner's
spiritual senses are locked up, so that he doth not exercise them to
discern between good and... [ Continue Reading ]
Some of your vain philosophers, who are resolved to give credit to
nothing upon the account of a bare Divine revelation, unless they can
give a further rational account of it in the circumstances, will be
ready to object and say: How is it possible, that those very bodies
which are putrefied, and tu... [ Continue Reading ]
He saith not: THOU FOOL, in anger, (which is that using of this term
which our Saviour saith, MATTHEW 5:22 brings a man under the danger of
hell fire), but in the way of a grave and authoritative reproof,
calling them fools for their want of a due understanding of the things
and ways of God. He lets... [ Continue Reading ]
And when it again riseth, or shooteth up, it is not bare grain,
without either stalk or ear, which was the body by them sown.... [ Continue Reading ]
But God giveth to every grain, or kind of seed, such a kind of body as
it pleaseth him, and a several body, according to the nature of the
grain; yet none will deny, but it is the seed sown which cometh up,
though with a different body, in respect of some qualities.... [ Continue Reading ]
Flesh is a kind of body, but it is of various degrees of dignity and
excellency, in respect of the qualities of it: the flesh of men is of
a differing excellency from the flesh of beasts; and there is a
difference in natural qualities between the corporeal substances of
beasts, and of fishes, and bi... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE ARE ALSO CELESTIAL BODIES; such are the sun, the moon, and the
stars. AND BODIES TERRESTRIAL; men, beasts, birds, fishes, the
GLORY OF THE TERRESTRIAL IS ANOTHER; now between these two species of
bodies, in respect of qualiti... [ Continue Reading ]
Amongst the celestial bodies there is a great deal of difference with
respect to the qualities; one of them is in glory much differing from
another, the glory of the moon is not like the glory of the sun, and
the glory of a star is much beneath the glory both of the sun and of
the moon; yea, one sta... [ Continue Reading ]
SO ALSO IS THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD; that is, so shall it be, as
to the bodies of the saints, in the resurrection. The same bodies of
the saints shall rise, though with qualities, and in a condition, much
different from what they were when they fell; as the same grain of
wheat shooteth up, thoug... [ Continue Reading ]
uncomely, unlovely, and loathsome than a dead body; but it will not be
so when it shall be raised again, then it shall be a beautiful, comely
body. We shall rise in a full and perfect age, (as is generally
thought), and without th... [ Continue Reading ]
IT IS SOWN A NATURAL BODY; such a body as all living creatures have by
nature, which is upheld by the actions of the soul that quickeneth it;
both the vegetative powers, by which it is nourished by the use of
meat and drink, the eating, concocting, and digesting it, &c.; and the
sensitive powers, &c... [ Continue Reading ]
The first part is written in GENESIS 2:7, God _breathed into man's
nostrils the breath of life, and_ so he _became a living soul; _ that
is, a living substance, living an animal, natural life, by virtue of
that breath of life which God breathed into him. THE LAST ADAM, by
which he meaneth Christ, wh... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ, the spiritual Adam, was not first in order of time, but the
natural Adam, God in his providence rising from more imperfect to more
perfect dispensations: and so it is as to God's providences relating
unto us; we have first natural bodies, we are born with such, we grow
up and die with such,... [ Continue Reading ]
Adam, who was the first man, was of the earth, GENESIS 2:7, and was of
an earthy constitution, like unto the earth out of which he was
formed; but Christ had another original: for though his body was
formed in the womb of the virgin, and he was flesh of her flesh, yet
she conceived by the Holy Ghost... [ Continue Reading ]
Such a body as Adam had, (which was earthy), such all the sons of Adam
have; and such a body as Christ now hath since his resurrection,
(which is a heavenly body), such a body also shall believers, who are
heavenly, have in the resurrection.... [ Continue Reading ]
And as believers, being the natural sons of the first Adam, have borne
his image, had such bodies as he had while they lived here; so they
shall also in the resurrection bear the image of the heavenly, the
image of Christ; that is, have such bodies as was Christ's body after
that he was again risen... [ Continue Reading ]
FLESH AND BLOOD do not here signify sin, the unrenewed nature, (as
some would have it), but our bodies, in their present natural,
corruptible, frail, mortal state; so the terms signify, EPHESIANS 6:12
HEBREWS 2:14. Flesh and blood shall inherit the kingdom of God, (else
our bodies could not be glori... [ Continue Reading ]
They might object: How can this be? There will be many saints alive in
the world at the day when Christ shall come to judge the world, they
will have natural bodies, such as they were born with, and grew up
with in the world until that time. Saith the apostle: I now tell you a
secret thing; for so t... [ Continue Reading ]
This change will be on the sudden, IN A MOMENT; either upon the will
and command of Christ, which shall be as effectual to call persons out
of their graves, as a trumpet is to call persons together; or rather,
upon a sound made like to the sound of a trumpet, as it was at the
giving of the law upon... [ Continue Reading ]
God hath so decreed, that our flesh and blood, in the state wherein
now it is, shall not be glorified; it shall be the same body as to the
substance, but not as to the qualities; it is now _corruptable_ and
_mortal, _ it must be put into a state of INCORRUPTION and
IMMORTALITY, before it can enter i... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, in an eternal and continuing victory; the saints shall die no
more. The quotation which the apostle bringeth, is out of those two
texts, ISAIAH 25:8 HOSEA 13:14; which two texts, the apostle saith, at
that day will have a more full, perfect, and eminent accomplishment,
than ever they before... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle, in the contemplation of this blessed day, triumpheth over
death, in a metaphorical phrase: WHERE IS THY STING? What hurt canst
thou now do unto believers, more than a wasp, or hornet, or bee, that
hath lost its sting? O GRAVE, or O hell, (the same word signifieth
both), WHERE now IS THY... [ Continue Reading ]
THE STING OF DEATH IS SIN; if it were not for sin, death could have no
power over man; sin is that which giveth death a power to hurt the
children of men: _The wages of sin is death,_ ROMANS 6:23. AND THE
STRENGTH OF SIN IS THE LAW; and without the law there could be no
transgression. The law is so... [ Continue Reading ]
The victory over sin and over death, we have both through the death
and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ; who by his death both
delivered us from the guilt of sin, and also from the power of sin;
and who through death destroyed him who had the power of death, even
the devil.... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle concludeth his discourse, proving the resurrection of the
body from the dead, founding upon it an exhortation to holiness, which
is here called THE WORK OF THE LORD, because it is made up of works
done by us at the command of Christ, and with direct respect to his
glory in obedience to h... [ Continue Reading ]