1 CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 6 1 CORINTHIANS 6:1 The Corinthians are reproved
for bringing their controversies before heathen judges, which they
ought to decide among themselves. 1 CORINTHIANS 6:7 There would be no
occasion for lawsuits, if men acted up to the principles of the
gospel, which exclude from t... [ Continue Reading ]
If indeed the Corinthians had had no other competent judges, they
might have been excused in making use of infidel judges; but, saith
the apostle, you have other persons competent enough, whom you may (by
your submission to them) make judges; for you KNOW THAT THE SAINTS
SHALL JUDGE THE WORLD; in th... [ Continue Reading ]
That the saints shall judge angels, is here so plainly asserted, as a
thing within their knowledge, that none can doubt it; but how, or
when, or what angels, is not so easily determined. The best
interpreters understand it of the evil angels, that is, the devils,
whom the saints shall judge at the l... [ Continue Reading ]
if you have any cause of suing or impleading one another for things
that pertain to this life, be they of what nature they will, SET THEM
umpirage and determination o... [ Continue Reading ]
Ver. 5,6. I do not speak this, as if I would have you make choice of
the meanest persons among you to arbitrate and determine all matters
that may be in difference between you; but it would be a shame to you
if, amongst you all, there could not be found one man whom you can
judge wise enough to dete... [ Continue Reading ]
GO TO LAW ONE WITH ANOTHER; not that it is simply unlawful for men to
make use of human laws, and courts, and methods of judicature; for
even the laws of men are good, if they be lawfully used: and the word
here used by... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "1 CORINTHIANS 6:6... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle riseth higher in his charge against them; he had before
only charged them for want of self-denial, that they could not bear or
suffer wrong; he now chargeth them for doing wrong and defrauding, and
that not heathens, (which yet had been bad enough), but Christians
that were their brethre... [ Continue Reading ]
That by THE KINGDOM OF GOD is here meant the kingdom of glory, the
happiness of another life, is plain, because he speaketh in the future
tense; this kingdom, he saith, THE UNRIGHTEOUS, that is, those who so
live and die, SHALL NOT INHERIT. If we take the term _unrighteous_
here to be a generical te... [ Continue Reading ]
NOR THIEVES; nor such as take away the goods of their neighbours
clandestinely, or by violence, without their consent or any just
authority. NOR COVETOUS; nor persons who discover themselves
excessively to love money, by their endeavours to get it into their
hands any way, by oppression, cheating, o... [ Continue Reading ]
In the two last verses the apostle had pronounced a terrible sentence,
especially to the Corinthians, who, having been heathens lately, had
wallowed in a great deal of this guilt; he therefore here, that they
might be humbled, and have low thoughts of themselves, and not be
puffed up, (as he had bef... [ Continue Reading ]
The words of this text are not so difficult in themselves, as it is to
make out the connection they have with, and the dependence they have
upon, what went before and what followeth after. Some, thinking that
they refer unto what the apostle had said before about their going to
law before infidels i... [ Continue Reading ]
The beginning of this verse seemeth to give a great light to our true
understanding of the former verse, and maketh it very probable that
the apostle spake with reference to the free use of meats and drinks,
when he said: _All things are lawful for me._ Though God hath ordained
MEATS FOR the filling... [ Continue Reading ]
AND GOD HATH BOTH RAISED UP THE LORD; the Lord Jesus Christ, as the
first-fruits of those that sleep, from whose resurrection the apostle
largely proveth our resurrection, 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1. AND WILL ALSO
RAISE UP US BY HIS OWN POWER: God will raise up his saints by his own
Almighty power.... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ is united to the person of the believer, and he is the Head of
the church, which is his mystical body; so that the bodies of
believers are in a sense the members of Christ, and should be used by
us as the members of Christ, which we should not rend from him: but he
that doth commit fornicatio... [ Continue Reading ]
The conjunction of the husband and wife, mentioned GENESIS 2:24, and
the conjunction of the fornicator and the harlot, differ not as to the
species of the act, only as to the morality of it; the former is an
honest and lawful act, the other a dishonest and filthy act. So that
he that is wickedly joi... [ Continue Reading ]
This phrase JOINED UNTO THE LORD, is thought to be taken out of
DEUTERONOMY 10:20: _To him shalt thou cleave._ He that hath attained
to that mystical union which is between Christ and every one that is a
true believer, is not essentially, but spiritually and mystically,
_one spirit_ with Christ; his... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle cometh to a new argument, by which he presseth them to
flee the sin of uncleanness. It is observed by some, that this sin is
peculiarly to be resisted, not so much by resisting it, and pondering
arguments against it, as by flying from it, avoiding all occasions of
it, and not suffering o... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle, 1 CORINTHIANS 3:16, had called the church of Corinth, THE
TEMPLE OF GOD, and there made use of it to dissuade them from
dissensions and divisions, because by them they defiled and destroyed
the temple of God; here he calls the members of that church, THE
TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST, which... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR YE ARE BOUGHT WITH A PRICE; what price this is that is here
mentioned Peter tells us, both negatively and positively, 1 PETER
1:18,19: _Forasmuh as ye know that ye were not redeemed with
corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation
received by tradition from your fathers;... [ Continue Reading ]