Whatever the idolatrous heathens think or believe, to us (who are Christians) there is but one who is truly and essentially God, (though indeed there be more than one person in the Deity), the Father, who is the Fountain of the Deity, communicating his Divine nature to the other two persons, and of whom are all things. It is a term which signifieth the primary Cause and Author of all things: we subsist in him, according to that of the apostle, Acts 17:28: In him we live, and move, and have our being; and we are for him, created for his honour and glory, as the phrase may also be translated. And one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things. He is the second person in the holy Trinity. It is the observation of a learned author: That though the name of God be often given to Christ, yet no where by Paul where he maketh mention of God the Father; from whence he concludes, that the term of Lord given to Christ, signifieth his pre-eminence above all things, (the Father excepted), according to what the apostle speaks, 1 Corinthians 15:27. By this Christ, saith the apostle, are all things: All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made, 1 Thessalonians 1:3; yet the difference of the phrase is observable, to denote to us the order of working in the holy Trinity. All things are of the Father by the Son. And we by him; and we (saith the apostle) are by the Son created, redeemed, &c.

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