1 John 5:1

1 JOHN CHAPTER 5 1 JOHN 5:1 He that loveth God loveth God's children, and keeth his commandments. 1 JOHN 5:4,5 A true faith will enable us to overcome the world. 1 JOHN 5:6 The witnesses of our faith. 1 JOHN 5:11 God hath given to believers eternal life through his Son, 1 JOHN 5:14 and will hear and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:2

It is not otherwise to be known that we truly love the children of God, as such; for if we do, we must love them upon God's account, in conformity to him, and obedience to his commandments; wherefore our true love to them supposes our love to him, and is to be evinced by it.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:3

FOR THIS IS THE LOVE OF GOD, i.e. this is the most lively, certain expression and effect of our love to God, our keeping his commandments, which are so little grievous, that true love can make no difficulty of doing so, MATTHEW 11:30 PSALMS 19:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:4

He explains himself, viz. that to one who is born of God his commandments are not grievous, because such a one, in that divine birth, hath received a life and nature that makes him far superior to this world, exalts him above it, makes him victorious over the worldly spirit, _\as 1 JOHN 4:4\_ over a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:5

For that faith, viz. _that Jesus is the Son of God, _ (or the Christ, as 1 JOHN 5:1), fills the soul with so great things concerning him, and the design of his coming among us, and what we are to expect thereupon, as easily turn this world into a contemptible shadow, and deprive it of all its former... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:6

OLBGrk; For the explaining of this obscure place we must proceed by degrees. 1. It is evident, that _water and blood_ cannot be here meant literally. 2. It is therefore consequent, that they must be intended to signify somewhat or other by way of symbolical representation, or that they must have... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:7

Having mentioned the Spirit's testifying in the close of 1 JOHN 5:6, he returns to give us in order, in these two verses, the whole testimony of the truth of Christianity, which he reduces to two ternaries of witnesses. The matter of their testimony is the same with that of their faith who are born... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:8

And for the three that are said to BEAR WITNESS ON EARTH; there is, first, THE SPIRIT, who, though the Holy Ghost were in the former triad, needs not here be taken for another Spirit, but may be the same, considered under another notion, and as testifying in another manner; not transiently and immed... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:9

A testimony above exception, being wholly Divine, as he himself argued, 1 THESSALONIANS 5:36,37 1 THESSALONIANS 8:13,14,17,18.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:10

i.e. If he truly believe, he hath the effectual impress of this testimony on his own soul; if not, he gives God the lie, as we do to any one whose testimony we believe not. SEE POOLE ON "1 THESSALONIANS 3:33".... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:11

His testimony, that this is his Son and the Christ, imports so much, that eternal life is in him, as the source and fountain of it; so that he gives it to us in no other way than in and by him.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:13

That, discerning their own faith, they might be in no doubt concerning their title to eternal life, and might be thereby encouraged to persevere in the same faith.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:14

Viz. _according to his will, _ not negatively, as it only doth not forbid our praying for, or enjoying, such and such things, but positively, i.e. according to his will signified: 1. By his commands, i.e. when the matter of our prayers is some spiritual good thing, which was before the matter of ou... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:15

In the latter, in that, or somewhat equivalent, or better; for if he determine that thing to be best for us, all circumstances considered, we shall have it; if he determine otherwise, (supposing we pray according to his will), we desire it not: for every one intends good to himself, when he prays fo... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:16

IF ANY MAN SEE HIS BROTHER SIN A SIN WHICH IS NOT UNTO DEATH; viz. that appears not obstinate and incurable; HE SHALL ASK, i.e. _with confidence, _ as 1 JOHN 5:14. But THERE IS A SIN UNTO DEATH, i.e. which doth not barely deserve death, as all sin doth, nor which argues a person to be probably in a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:17

OLBGrk; He intimates they should be cautious of all sin, especially more deliberate, (which the word adikia seems to import), but would not have them account that every sin would make their case so hopeless, as such sin, which he called sinning unto death, would do.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:18

The great advantage is here signified of the regenerate, who, by the seed remaining in them, _\as 1 JOHN 3:9\_ are furnished with a self-preserving principle, with the exercise whereof they may expect that co-operation of a gracious Divine influence by which they shall be kept, so as THAT WICKED ONE... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:19

And this he doth not exclusively assume to himself, but expresses his charitable confidence of them to whom he writes, that it was their privilege, in common with him, to be thus _of God, _ or born of him; notwithstanding the generality of men were under the power of that before-mentioned wicked one... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:20

It is here signified how satisfying a knowledge and certainty sincere Christians had, that Christ was indeed come, by that blessed effect they found upon themselves, viz. a clear and lively light shining, by his procurement and communication, into their minds, whereby they had other apprehensions, m... [ Continue Reading ]

1 John 5:21

i.e. From those idolatrous communions with the Gentiles in their worship and festivals in their temples, which these pseudo-christians had latitude enough for, as appears by the apostle St. Paul's discourses, 1 CORINTHIANS 8:1 10:14 (especially if any danger did urge); wherein, instead of that commu... [ Continue Reading ]

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