1 Kings 1:1

1 KINGS CHAPTER 1 Abishag cherisheth David in his extreme age, 1 KINGS 1:1. Adonijah usurpeth the kingdom, 1 KINGS 1:5. By the counsel of Nathan to Bath-sheba, and their petition to David, he reneweth his oath of making Solomon king after him, 1 KINGS 1:11. He, by David's appointment, is anointed k... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:2

HIS SERVANTS; his physicians. A YOUNG VIRGIN; whose natural heat is fresh and wholesome, and not impaired with bearing or breeding of children. The same counsel doth Galen give for the cure of some cold and dry distempers. LET HER STAND BEFORE THE KING, i.e. minister unto him, or wait upon him, (as... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:3

A FAIR DAMSEL; whose beauty might engage his affections, and refresh his spirits, and invite him to those embraces which might communicate some of her natural heat to him, as was designed. A SHUNAMMITE, of the city of Shunem in Issachar, JOSHUA 19:18. See 2 KINGS 4:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:4

Which is mentioned to note the continuance and progress of the king's malady, and the ground of Adonijah's rebellion, and of his following request, 1 KINGS 2:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:5

THEN, on notice of the desperateness of the king's disease, and the approach of his death, ADONIJAH THE SON OF HAGGITH _\see 2 SAMUEL 3:4\_ exalted himself; entertained high thoughts and designs. I WILL BE KING; as the right of the kingdom is mine, 1 KINGS 1:6, so I will now take possession of it, l... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:6

HIS FATHER HAD NOT DISPLEASED HIM AT ANY TIME: this is noted as David's great error, and the occasion of Adonijah's presumption. _Why hast thou done so_ ? he neither restrained him from, nor reproved him for his miscarriages; which was a great sin against that plain law, LEVITICUS 19:17, and severel... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:7

Either because they thought the right of the crown was his; or rather, from secret grudges, because they perceived themselves neglected by David, and possibly by Solomon too; and from carnal policy, that they might secure and advance their own interest, which they saw to be in manifest danger.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:9

ADONIJAH SLEW SHEEP AND OXEN AND FAT CATTLE; partly for a sacrifice; and partly for feasts, that he might engage God to be on his side, and draw a multitude of people after him. BY EN-ROGEL, or, _the fountain of Rogel, _ or, _of the fuller_; a place nigh to Jerusalem: see JOSHUA 15:7, JOSHUA 18:16 2... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:11

NATHAN was prompted to this both by his piety in fulfilling the will of God declared to him, and by him to David, concerning Solomon's succession, 2 SAMUEL 7:13 1 CHRONICLES 22:8,9; and by his prudence, as knowing that Adonijah hated him for being the principal instrument of Solomon's advancement. B... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:13

DIDST NOT THOU SWEAR, i.e. Thou didst swear; which David himself owneth, 1 KINGS 1:30, which probably he did to satisfy Bath-sheba's doubts and fears about it, and to oblige himself to a compliance with the Divine will declared about it. See 1 KINGS 2:15 1 CHRONICLES 28:5. _Thine handmaid_; so she c... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:17

THOU SWAREST BY THE LORD THY GOD; to whom thou art highly obliged, whose name thou justly fearest and honourest; and therefore thou wilt not pollute it by perjury, but make conscience of thy oath.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:18

This she adds, partly lest she should seem to accuse the king of inconstancy and perfidiousness; and partly to aggravate Adonijah's crime, from that gross neglect and contempt of the king which did accompany it.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:19

Who is not so presumptuous as Adonijah, usurping the throne before his time; but carries himself modestly and submissively, as thy son, and servant, and subject.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:20

THE EYES OF ALL ISRAEL ARE UPON THEE; the generality of the people are in suspense, whether Adonijah's practices be with thy consent or no, and wait for thy sentence, which they will readily embrace. WHO SHALL SIT UPON THE THRONE OF MY LORD THE KING; she speaks only in general, as owning my king's p... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:21

SHALL SLEEP WITH HIS FATHERS, i.e. die as his fathers did. See GENESIS 47:30. I AND MY SON SOLOMON SHALL BE COUNTED OFFENDERS; we shall be punished with death as malefactors, as guilty of practicing against the right heir of the crown, and transferring the kingdom to Solomon, and covering our ambiti... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:26

EVEN ME THY SERVANT, whom he knew to be acquainted with thy mind, and with the mind of God in this matter; and therefore his neglect of me herein gives me cause to suspect that this is done without thy privity; which now I come to know.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:27

THOU HAST NOT SHOWED IT UNTO THY SERVANT; who, having been an instrument in delivering God's message to thee concerning thy successor, might reasonably expect that if the king had changed his mind, or God had since made some revelation contrary to the former, thou wouldst have acquainted me with it,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:28

CALL ME BATH-SHEBA; who, upon Nathan's approach to the king, had modestly withdrawn herself, either in another room, or into another part of this room, more remote from the bed upon which David lay.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:31

i.e. For a long time, as that word is oft used, as 1 KINGS 2:33 DANIEL 2:4. Though I desire thy oath may be kept, and the right of succession confirmed to my son; yet I am far from thirsting after thy death for his advancement, and should rather rejoice, if it were possible for thee to live and enjo... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:33

THE SERVANTS OF YOUR LORD, i.e. my public officers, and my guards. TO RIDE UPON MINE OWN MULE; as a token that the royal dignity is transferred upon Solomon, and that by my consent. Compare GENESIS 41:43 ESTHER 6:8. TO GIHON; a river near Jerusalem, on the west side, as may be gathered from 2 CHRONI... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:34

ANOINT HIM THERE KING; as they used to do where there was any thing new, or doubtful, or extraordinary in the succession, as 1 SAMUEL 10:1, 1 SAMUEL 16:12,13 1 KINGS 19:15,16 2 KINGS 9:3. And this unction signified both the designation of the persons to the office, and the gifts and graces which wer... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:35

KING IN MY STEAD; my deputy and vice-king whilst I live, and absolutely king when I die. Or if David and Solomon were joint kings, it is no more than was afterwards frequent at Rome, where the father and son, or two other persons, were not seldom joint emperors. I HAVE APPOINTED, and that by Divine... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:36

AMEN; which was both an approbation of the king's fact, and a profession of his allegiance to the new king, and a petition to God to ratify and confirm it. THE LORD GOD OF MY LORD THE KING SAY SO TOO; the Lord stablish Solomon's throne in spite of Adonijah, and all his other enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:37

Which petition, albeit it might have offended an unworthy, vain-glorious, and envious father, he knew would be welcome to so pious and generous a man as David was, and to one so kind and indulgent to his children.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:39

ZADOK THE PRIEST; for though he was not the high priest, he might do this office, especially having the direction of the prophet Nathan, 1 KINGS 1:34. OUT OF THE TABERNACLE; that which David had erected for the ark, 2 SAMUEL 6:17, in which oil was kept for divers sacred uses; for Moses's tabernacle... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:40

ALL THE PEOPLE CAME UP AFTER HIM; which flocked in of so thither abundance; some out of curiosity to see so solemn an action; others to do their duty; and others in expectation some advantage by their cheerful attendance upon the new king. REJOICED WITH GREAT JOY; partly because this would certainly... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:41

AS THEY HAD MADE AN END OF EATING; for Nathan having given wise counsel, took all due care to expedite the execution of it, that it might not be spoiled by delays, as frequently happens.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:42

JONATHAN it seems was left at Jerusalem for a spy, as he had formerly been under Absalom. THOU ART A VALIANT MAN; or, A MAN OF VIRTUE OR WORTH, as this Hebrew word is used, PROVERBS 12:4; and therefore a happy man, and hast good news for thyself and us. Compare 2 SAMUEL 18:27.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:47

TO BLESS OUR LORD KING DAVID; to praise and thank him for his great and good care, in leaving them in the hands of so excellent a successor, under whom they might expect peace and all prosperity; and to congratulate with him for God's great mercy to him, in giving him such a son and successor, and t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:50

Either that which was at Gibeon, as appears from 1 CHRONICLES 16:39 2 CHRONICLES 1:3; and was made with four horns, EXODUS 38:2; to which the sacrifices were bound PSALMS 118:27. Or rather, that which set David had lately up in the threshing-floor of Araunah, which doubtless was made after the same... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:51

He owns Solomon as his king, and himself as his servant and subject; and being sensible of his great guilt, and of the jealousy which kings have of their competitors, could not be satisfied without Solomon's oath.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:52

A WORTHY MAN, Heb. _a man of strength or courage_; for it requires great strength of mind and resolution to resist all temptations of vice, and to do virtuously. THERE SHALL NOT AN HAIR OF HIM FALL TO THE EARTH: herein Solomon manifests his clemency and brotherly affection, and withal his prudence i... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 1:53

Lead a private or retired and quiet life, without noise and numerous attendants, and meddle not with the affairs of the court and kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

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