1 Kings 11:1

1 KINGS CHAPTER 11 Solomon's wives and concubines, which in his old age seduce him to idolatry, 1 KINGS 11:1. God threateneth him, 1 KINGS 11:9. His adversaries are, Hadad, who fleeth into Egypt, and is entertained there, 1 KINGS 11:14; Rezon, who reigned in Damascus, 1 KINGS 11:23; Jeroboam, to who... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:2

YE SHALL NOT GO IN TO THEM, i.e. marry them. SEE POOLE ON "GENESIS 6:4". THEY WILL TURN AWAY YOUR HEART AFTER THEIR GODS: possibly Solomon might think himself too wise to be drawn to idolatry by his wives, and therefore to be unconcerned in the reason of the law; and consequently free in some measur... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:3

SEVEN HUNDRED WIVES, AND THREE HUNDRED CONCUBINES; partly for his lust, which being indulged, becomes infinite and unsatiable; and partly from his pride, accounting this a point of honour and magnificence.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:4

WHEN SOLOMON WAS OLD; as having now reigned nigh thirty years, when it might have been expected that age should have cooled his lust, and experience have made him wiser and better, and when probably he was secure as to any such miscarriages; then God permitted him to fall so shamefully, that he migh... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:5

SOLOMON WENT AFTER ASHTORETH, in manner explained in the former verse. _Milcom_, called also _Molech_; of which see LEVITICUS 18:21 2 KINGS 23:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:7

THEN DID SOLOMON BUILD, i. e. suffer to be built, or gave money for it. A HIGH PLACE, i.e. an altar upon the high place, as the manner of the heathens was: SEE POOLE ON "NUMBERS 22:41" SEE POOLE ON "NUMBERS 23:1". IN THE HILL THAT IS BEFORE JERUSALEM, i.e. in the Mount of Olives, which was nigh unto... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:9

FROM THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL; from the express command and from the worship of God; not that he wholly neglected God, but because God esteems all the worship of idols (though it be not exclusive of, but conjoined with his own worship) to be a forsaking of and departing from God, and ofttimes so calls... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:11

THE LORD SAID UNTO SOLOMON; either by suggestion to his mind, or by appearance to him in a terrible manner, or by the prophet Ahijah, of whom 1 KINGS 11:29. I WILL SURELY REND; I will violently take away. The word in the Hebrew is doubled, for the greater assurance of the thing. TO THY SERVANT; to o... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:13

How but _one tribe_, when he had both Judah and Benjamin, 2 CHRONICLES 11:12 ? ANSW. Either Benjamin is swallowed up in Judah, because it was comparatively very small, and their habitation much intermixed with that of Judah: or _one_, to wit, of that kingdom which he here threatens to rend away from... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:15

WHEN DAVID WAS IN EDOM, to wit, by his army, to war against it. See 1 CHRONICLES 18:12,13. TO BURY THE SLAIN, to wit, the Israelites which were slain in the battle, 2 SAMUEL 8:13,14, whom he honourably inferred in some certain place, to which he is said to go up for that end. And this may be mention... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:18

THEY AROSE OUT OF MIDIAN; he fled at first with an intent _to go into Egypt_, as is said, 1 KINGS 11:17, but took Midian, a neighbouring country, in his way, and staid there a while, possibly till he had by some of his servants tried Pharaoh's mind, and prepared the way for his reception. PARAN; ano... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:19

God so disposing his heart, that Hadad might be a scourge to Solomon for his impieties, which God foresaw long before they were done.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:21

JOAB THE CAPTAIN OF THE HOST, whom he feared as much as David himself. THAT I MAY GO TO MINE OWN COUNTRY; whither accordingly he came, and was there even from the beginning of Solomon's reign; where he either lived as a private person, yet secretly working for the recovery of his crown when an oppor... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:23

When David had defeated him: see 2 SAMUEL 10:10, &c. ZOBAH; a part of Syria between Damascus and Euphrates; of which see 1 SAMUEL 14:47 2 CHRONICLES 8:3 PSALMS 60:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:24

OVER A BAND, to wit, of soldiers, who fled and dispersed themselves upon that defeat, 2SA 10, and others who readily joined themselves with them, and lived by robbery, as many Arabians did. THEY WENT TO DAMASCUS, when they were increased in number and strength, and took it, whilst Solomon was wallow... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:25

He was a secret enemy, watching all occasions to do them mischief cunningly and privately all that time; and when Solomon had forsaken God, and was forsaken by God, he showed himself more openly and maliciously. BESIDE THE MISCHIEF THAT HADAD DID; so the sense is, this infelicity was added to the fo... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:26

i.e. Rebelled against the king; not now and immediately in the person of Solomon himself, but in his son and successor, Rehoboam.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:28

A MIGHTY MAN OF VALOUR, or, a man of great strength of body, _or courage of mind_, or both. INDUSTRIOUS; ingenious, and diligent, and active, and every way fit for business and for command. OVER ALL THE CHARGE, i.e. the taxes and tributes which were to be gathered of the people by his power and auth... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:29

WHEN JEROBOAM WENT OUT OF JERUSALEM; upon some occasion, possibly to execute his charge. THEY TWO WERE ALONE IN THE FIELD; having gone aside thither for some private conference; for otherwise it is most likely that he had servants attending upon him, who, though they heard not the words, yet might s... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:31

TAKE THEE TEN PIECES; whence the kingdom of Israel is oft called the kingdom of the ten tribes; by which expression it may seem that David's posterity should have one tribe reserved out of the kingdom of Israel besides that of Judah, which because of its greatness and eminency, is commonly distingui... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:33

THEY HAVE FORSAKEN ME, i.e. the king, and his concubines, and people, who easily followed his example, but were not at all excused by it.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:34

THE WHOLE KINGDOM, to wit, of Israel, that which I have designed for thee. Or rather, _I will not take any thing_, or part _of the kingdom_. For the Hebrew phrase _lo col_, which properly signifies _not all_, or _not the whole_, doth usually signify _not any thing_, as DEUTERONOMY 8:9, _thou shalt n... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:36

A LIGHT, i.e. a son and successor, to preserve his name and memory, and to give light to the people in his stead. Kings are oft called LIGHTS, partly from their great splendour, and partly for the counsel and comfort which their people have or should have from them. Compare 2 SAMUEL 21:17 1 KINGS 15... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:37

I WILL TAKE THEE, and place thee in the throne, as it follows. ACCORDING TO ALL THAT THY SOUL DESIRETH; he secretly taxeth him for his ambitious and aspiring mind.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:38

BUILD THEE A SURE HOUSE, i.e. firmly settle thee and thy posterity in the throne, as this or the like phrase is used, 2 SAMUEL 7:16,27; but he doth not say he would do this for ever, as is there said of David's house 1 KINGS 11:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:39

FOR THIS; for this cause, which I mentioned 1 KINGS 11:33. BUT NOT FOR EVER; there shall a time come when the seed of David shall not be thus molested by the kingdom of Israel, but that kingdom shall be destroyed, and the kings of the house of David shall be uppermost, as it was in the days of Asa H... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:40

This might come to the ears of Solomon, either, 1. By Jeroboam himself, who might speak of this, either out of vain-glory and ostentation, or with design to prepare the people for his purpose. Or, 2. By the servants. SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 11:29". SHISHAK KING OF EGYPT; who was either, 1. Solomon's... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:41

In the public records, where the lives and actions of kings were registered from time to time. So this was only a political, but not a sacred book.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 11:43

SLEPT WITH HIS FATHERS: this expression is promiscuously used concerning good and bad, and signifies only that they died as their fathers did. But hence interpreters question, whether Solomon was saved, or damned? That he was damned, some believe upon this only argument, that he died without repenta... [ Continue Reading ]

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