1 Kings 12:1

1 KINGS CHAPTER 12 The Israelites seek to Rehoboam for relaxation, 1 KINGS 12:1. He refusing the old men's counsel, by the advice of the young men answereth them roughly, 1 KINGS 12:6; for which ten tribes revolt; kill Adoram; and make Rehoboam to flee, 1 KINGS 12:16. He raising an army is forbidden... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:2

HEARD OF IT; in the Hebrew it is only _heard_, and may relate either to Solomon's death, or to the meeting which all the tribes had appointed at Shechem.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:3

THEY SENT AND CALLED HIM: when the people sent him word of Solomon's death, they also sent a summons for him to come to Shechem. Or as soon as he had heard the tidings of Solomon's death from others, or from common fame; presently there came a solemn message to him from the people, who desired his p... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:4

THY FATHER MADE OUR YOKE GRIEVOUS by heavy taxes and impositions, not only for the temple and his magnificent buildings, but for the expenses of his numerous court, and of so many wives and concubines, whose luxury and idolatry must needs be very costly. And Solomon having so grossly forsaken God, i... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:6

WITH THE OLD MEN THAT STOOD BEFORE SOLOMON; with Solomon's old counsellors, whom age, and experience of men and things, and converse with such a king, had made wise.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:7

IF THOU WILT BE A SERVANT UNTO THIS PEOPLE THIS DAY, by complying with their desires, and condescending to them for a season, till the troubled humours be quieted, and the opportunity they now have, and that some of them seek, for sedition be gone, and thou be better stablished in thy throne. They u... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:8

HE FORSOOK THE COUNSEL OF THE OLD MEN; judging it unworthy of his majesty and authority, and likely to encourage and increase the people in their insolent demands. The young men; so called comparatively to the old men; otherwise they were near forty years old, as the following words imply. THAT WERE... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:10

Or rather, _is thicker_, and therefore stronger, and mere able to crush you, if you proceed in these mutinous demands, THAN HIS LOINS, in which is the principal seat of strength. My father was young and weak, and had many enemies, when he first took the kingdom; but I am the undoubted heir; and I fi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:11

I WILL ADD TO YOUR YOKE, i.e. make it heavier and stronger, both to punish your petulancy, and to curb and restrain you from seditious attempts. WITH SCORPIONS, i.e. with such whips as will sting you like scorpions: if you proceed in these courses, I will most severely punish you for it.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:15

THE CAUSE WAS FROM THE LORD; who gave up Rehoboam to so foolish and fatal a mistake, and alienated the people's affections from him, and ordered all circumstances by his wise providence to that end.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:16

WHAT PORTION HAVE WE IN DAVID, i.e. in David's family and son? we can expect no benefit or relief from him, and therefore we renounce all commerce with him, and subjection to him. See 2 SAMUEL 20:1. They named David rather than Rehoboam, to signify, that they did renounce, not Rehoboam only, but all... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:17

WHICH DWELT IN THE CITIES OF JUDAH; by which phrase he principally understands the tribe of Judah; but withal, those parts and parcels of the tribes of Levi, and Simeon, and Benjamin, whose dwellings were within the confines of Judah, or intermixed with them.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:18

HE SENT ADORAM, either, 1. To pacify the people, and promise them relief, now when it was too late. But then he would not have sent a person so ungrateful to the people, as that sort of men use to be. Or rather, 2. To pursue the counsel which he had resolved upon, and to execute his office, and ex... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:19

Their revolt is called _rebellion_, and therefore was sinful, because it was contrary to God's authority, and command of subjection to David, and his seed for ever; from which the people were not freed by God's promise and grant made to Jeroboam, which was but a secret transaction, not yet sufficien... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:20

THAT JEROBOAM WAS COME AGAIN, to wit, from Egypt, which was known before to the chief of the tribes, and to them who met at Shechem, and now was more universally known by all the people. They SENT to his tent or habitation, to which he had retired himself, as others also generally did: see above, 1... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:21

WITH THE TRIBE OF BENJAMIN, i.e. that part of it which was next to Judah, and joined with them. SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 11:13". AGAINST THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, i.e. the families or tribes (for these words are promiscuously used one for the other) of Israel.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:22

THE MAN OF GOD, i.e. the prophet, so called, partly to distinguish him from others of that name; see NEHEMIAH 6:10 JEREMIAH 29:31; and partly to add the more weight to his words.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:24

THIS THING IS FROM ME; this event is from my counsel and providence, to punish Solomon's apostacy, though they procured it by sinful means; and therefore, if you proceed, you must fight with me as well as them. THEY HEARKENED THEREFORE TO THE WORD OF THE LORD; either from conscience of their duty, o... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:25

JEROBOAM BUILT SHECHEM, i.e. he repaired, and enlarged, and fortified it; for it had been ruined long since, JUDGES 9:45. He might choose it as a place both auspicious, because here the foundation of his monarchy was laid; and commodious, as being near the frontiers of his kingdom. PENUEL; a place b... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:26

SAID IN HIS HEART, i.e. reasoned within himself: The phrase discovers the fountain of his error, that he did not consult with God, who had given him the kingdom; as in all reason, and justice, and gratitude he should have done; nor believed God's promise, 1 KINGS 11:38; but his own imaginations and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:27

This in itself might seem a prudent conjecture; for this would give Rehoboam, and the priests and Levites, the sure and faithful friends of David's house, many opportunities of alienating their minds from him, and of reducing them to their former allegiance. But considering God's providence, by whic... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:28

MADE TWO CALVES OF GOLD, in imitation of Aaron's golden calf, and of the Egyptians, from whom he was lately come. And this he the rather presumed to do, because he knew the people of Israel were generally very prone to superstition and idolatry, as their whole history showeth; and that Solomon's exa... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:29

Which two places he chose for his people's conveniency; BETH-EL being in the southern, and DAN in the northern parts of his kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:30

A SIN, i.e. a cause or occasion of great wickedness among that people; not only of idolatry, which is called _sin_ by way of eminency; nor only of the worship of the calves, wherein they pretended to worship the true God; but also of the worship of Baal, and of the utter desertion of the true God, a... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:31

AN HOUSE OF HIGH PLACES, or, _an house_ (i.e. houses, or chapels) _in the high places_. Besides the famous houses, or temples, which he built at Dan and Beth-el, he built also, for his people's better accommodation, lesser temples upon divers high places, which were esteemed sacred and venerable, be... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:32

Either, 1. A feast of dedication, like that which was in Judah, at the dedication of the temple. Or rather, 2. The feast of tabernacles, as may be thought, 1. Because that began on the fifteenth day of the month, LEVITICUS 23:34. 2. Because he is not blamed for devising the feast, (which thereby... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 12:33

WHICH HE HAD DEVISED OF HIS OWN HEART; which he appointed without any warrant from God, which was superstition. Compare JEREMIAH 7:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

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