1 Kings 15:1

1 KINGS CHAPTER 15 Abijam followeth his father's sins; God however keepeth promise: he dieth, and Asa his son succeedeth him, 1 KINGS 15:1. His good reign, 1 KINGS 15:9. Baasha wareth against him: he maketh a league with Ben-hadad, 1 KINGS 15:16. He dieth, and Jehoshaphat succeedeth him, 1 KINGS 15:... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:2

THREE YEARS: SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 15:1". OF ABISHALOM, or, of _Absalom_, as he is called, 2 CHRONICLES 11:21. And because he is here mentioned as a known person, without any addition of his kindred or quality, some conceive that this was Absalom's daughter, called properly _Tamar_, 2 SAMUEL 14:27,... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:3

IN ALL THE SINS OF HIS FATHER; which his father lived in; either, first, Before his humiliation. Or rather, secondly, After his deliverance from Shishak, when, though he did not openly renounce the worship of God, he seems to have relapsed into his former sins; which otherwise would not have been re... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:4

A LAMP, i.e. a son and successor to perpetuate his name and memory, which otherwise had gone into obscurity. The same phrase is used above, 1 KINGS 11:36 2 KINGS 8:19 2 CHRONICLES 21:7. TO ESTABLISH JERUSALEM, i.e. that he might maintain that city, and temple, and worship, as a witness for God in th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:5

QUEST. How is this true, seeing David sinned in the matter of Nabal, 1SA 25, and Achish, 1SA 27, and Mephibosheth, and his indulgence to his children, Adonijah, Amnon, and Absalom, and in the numbering of the people? Answ. This and the like phrases are not to be understood as exclusive of every sinf... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:6

Which was said 1 KINGS 14:30, and may be here repeated, to signify the cause and original of the war between Abijam and Jeroboam, which is implied here, and particularly described 2CH 13. Abijam continued the war which Rehoboam had begun, and pushed it on to a decisive battle. But the place may be t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:7

THE CHRONICLES OF THE KINGS OF JUDAH; in their annals; whence they were long after this time translated into the sacred Book of Chronicles. SEE POOLE ON "1 KINGS 14:19".... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:10

i. e. His grandmother s, as appears from 1 KINGS 15:2, who is called his mother, as David is called Abijam's father, 1 KINGS 15:3, and this Asa's father, 1 KINGS 15:11. And so the names of father, and mother, and sons, and daughters are oft taken, both in sacred and profane authors, for grandparents... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:11

THAT WHICH WAS RIGHT IN THE EYES OF THE LORD; as to the government of his kingdom and life, and the reformation and establishment of God's worship.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:12

THE SODOMITES, of whom see 1 KINGS 14:24, not all of them, but those whom he could find out; but some escaped his observation and censure, as appears from 1 KINGS 22:46.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:13

HER HE REMOVED FROM BEING QUEEN, i.e. he took from her either the name and authority of queen-regent, which she, having been Rehoboam's wife, and Abijam's mother, took to herself during Asa's minority, and abused to the patronage of idolatry; or the dignity of the queen-mother, and those guards, or... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:14

THE HIGH PLACES WERE NOT REMOVED. OBJECT. He did take these away, 2 CHRONICLES 14:3. ANSW. He took away those which were devoted to the worship of idols, as is there said, he took away the altars of the strange gods, and the highplaces, to wit, where they were worshipped: but as for those high place... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:15

WHICH HIS FATHER HAD DEDICATED, Abijam, to wit, when he was in distress, and going to fight with Jeroboam, 2CH 13 though afterwards he did not perform his vows, nor bring in what he had devoted; whether because he was prevented by death, or because he afterwards relapsed to idolatry, as may seem pro... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:16

So long as they two lived and reigned together; which is not so to be understood, as if there were a solemn and declared war continuing all that time, (for Asa was quiet in a great measure for his first ten years, 2 CHRONICLES 14:1, till the Israelites had recovered themselves from that dreadfull bl... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:17

BAASHA WENT UP AGAINST JUDAH; perceiving Asa's great success, of which see 2CH 14 2CH 15, and the defection of many of his own subjects to him upon that occasion, 2 CHRONICLES 15:9, he began to bestir himself, and commenceth a war against him. BUILT, i.e. repaired and fortified, Ramah, a city of Ben... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:18

ALL THE SILVER AND THE GOLD THAT WERE LEFT; these poor remainders, which either Shishak had left at that time, 1 KINGS 14:26, or Abijam, or Asa, or others, both of Israel and Judah, had dedicated; which probably was not inconsiderable, because Asa had got great spoils from Zerah, 2CH 14, and he and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:19

THERE IS A LEAGUE BETWEEN ME AND THEE, AND BETWEEN MY FATHER AND THY FATHER; whereby it appears, that albeit he was an adversary to Israel all Solomon's days, 1 KINGS 11:25, yet after the division of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah he was in league with both of them; either because his designs lay... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:20

The northern parts of Baasha's kingdom, which were nearest to his own kingdom of Damascus, and most remote from those parts where Baasha was now employed, which were in the most southern parts of his dominions.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:21

Now the royal city of Israel. See 1 KINGS 14:17. There he abode to defend his own kingdoms, and durst not return to oppose Asa, lest the Syrian king should make a second and worse invasion. So Asa met with success in his ungodly course, as on the other side good men sometimes meet with disappointmen... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:22

NONE WAS EXEMPTED; all sorts of persons were obliged to come, except those who were disenabled by age, or infirmity, or absence, or by the public service of the king and kingdom in other places. ASA BUILT WITH THEM GEBA OF BENJAMIN, AND MIZPAH, i.e. repaired and strengthened them, for they were buil... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:23

NEVERTHELESS; notwithstanding the great things which he had done, and the glory and prosperity which he enjoyed, he felt the effects of human infirmity, and of his own sins; of which see 2 CHRONICLES 16:12,13.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:27

OF THE HOUSE OF ISSACHAR, i.e. of the tribe, which is oft called a house, as JUDGES 10:9 PSALMS 135:20 HOSEA 1:7. Which belonged to the Philistines; who, taking advantage of the division between Israel and Judah, had retaken this town, which belonged to the tribe of Dan, JOSHUA 19:44, and belonged t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:28

IN THE THIRD YEAR OF ASA: how this agrees with 2 CHRONICLES 16:1, see in the notes there. DID BAASHA SLAY HIM; which he did, not to fulfil God's threatening, but only to advance himself; and therefore this is called murder, 1 KINGS 16:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:29

ANY THAT BREATHED, i.e. any of the males of that family. See DEUTERONOMY 20:16 JOSHUA 10:40. According unto the saying of the Lord: so God overruled Baasha's ambition and cruelty, to fulfil his own counsel and prediction.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 15:30

WHICH HE MADE ISRAEL SIN; so that same wicked policy which he used to establish the kingdom in his family proved his and their ruin; which is very frequently the event of ungodly counsels.... [ Continue Reading ]

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