1 KINGS CHAPTER 17 Elijah foretelleth, Ahab that there shall be a
great drought; is sent to Cherith, where the ravens feed him, 1 KINGS
17:1. He is sent to Zarephath to a widow, who feedeth him with meal
and oil, which wasted not, 1 KINGS 17:8. Her son dieth, and he raiseth
him, 1 KINGS 17:17. She a... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Thus God rescues him from the fury of Ahab and Jezebel, who he knew
would seek to destroy him. QUEST. Why did not Ahab seize upon him
immediately upon these words? ANSW.
1. This must be ascribed to God's overruling providence, who hath the
hearts of all men in his hands, and hath oft protected his... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. I have decreed or appointed. Or, _I shall command_, i.e.
effectually move them, by instincts and inclinations which I shall put
into them, which shall be as forcible with them as a law or command is
to men. God is said to command both brute creatures, as AMOS 9:3 JONAH
2:10, and senseless thing... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
BREAD AND FLESH; not raw, but boiled by the ministry of some angel or
man, and left in some place or places till the ravens came for it, in
all which there is nothing incredible, considering the power and
providence of God. IN THE MORNING AND IN THE EVENING, i.e. for dinner
and supper, according to... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER A WHILE, Heb. _at the end of days_, i.e. of a year; for so the
word days is oft used, as in EXODUS 13:10 LEVITICUS 25:29 NUMBERS 9:22
JUDGES 17:10 1 SAMUEL 1:3, 1 SAMUEL 27:7. And this seems to be a
convenient time for the drying up of the brook, which was gradually
dried up; and so this agree... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
ZAREPHATH; a city between Tyrus and Sidon, called _Sarepta_ by LUKE
4:26, by Pliny, and others. TO ZIDON; to the jurisdiction of that
city, which therefore was inhabited by Gentiles. See LUKE 4:25. And
God's providing for his prophet, first by an unclean bird, and then by
a Gentile, whom the Jews es... [ Continue Reading ]
HE CALLED TO HER; knowing by Divine suggestion that this was the woman
designed.... [ Continue Reading ]
Which he said only to try her, and to make way for what follows.... [ Continue Reading ]
AS THE LORD THY GOD LIVETH; by which she discovers, that though she
was a Gentile, yet she owned the God of Israel as the true God. TWO
STICKS, i.e. a few sticks, that number being oft used indefinitely for
any small number, both in Scripture, as HOSEA 6:2, and by other
authors. That we may eat it,... [ Continue Reading ]
MAKE ME THEREOF A LITTLE CAKE FIRST; which he requires as a trial and
exercise of her faith, and charity, and obedience, which he knew God
would graciously and plentifully reward; and so this would be a great
example to encourage others to the practice of the same graces upon
like occasions.... [ Continue Reading ]
THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL, in whom I perceive thou trustest.
THE BARREL OF MEAL, i.e. the meal of the barrel; an hypallage or
metonymy. So THE CRUSE OF OIL, for _the oil of the cruse_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Israel, by believing his prophet. MANY DAYS, i.e. a long time, even
above two years: see 1 KINGS 18:1. Heb. _days_, i.e. _a full year_; as
1 KINGS 17:7; namely, before the following event about her son
happened, and the rest of th... [ Continue Reading ]
God still creating new, as fast as the old was spent.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or, _no soul_, or _life_, as this Hebrew word oft signifies, i.e. he
died, as is manifest from the following verses. See also HEBREWS
11:35.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT HAVE I TO DO WITH THEE? wherein have I injured or provoked thee?
or, why didst thou come to sojourn in my house, (as the following
words seem to explain these,) if this be the fruit of it? They are
words of a troubled mind, savouring of some rashness and impatience.
ART THOU COME UNTO ME? didst... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVE ME THY SON _into mine arms_. INTO A LOFT; a private place, where
he might more freely and fully pour out his soul to God, and use such
gestures or methods as he thought most proper, without any offence or
observation.... [ Continue Reading ]
A prayer full of powerful arguments. Thou art _the Lord_, that canst
revive the child; and _my God_, and therefore wilt not, do not, deny
me. She is a _widow_; add not affliction to the afflicted; deprive her
not of the great support and staff of her age. She hath given me kind
entertainment; let he... [ Continue Reading ]
HE STRETCHED HIMSELF UPON THE CHILD; not as if he thought this could
contribute any warmth or life to the child; but partly to express, and
withal to increase, his grief for the child's death, and his desire of
its reviving; that thereby his prayers might be more fervent, and
consequently more preva... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW BY THIS I KNOW; now I am assured of that concerning which I began
upon this sad occasion to doubt. THAT THE WORD OF THE LORD IN THY
MOUTH IS TRUTH; that the God whom thou professest is the true God, and
the doctrine and religion which thou teachest is the only true
religion; and therefore hencef... [ Continue Reading ]